I signed up for Squidoo, was active for a while and than, being absorbed in other activities, forgot all about it.

Recently a friend of mine shared a lens which reminded me again that I had joined it myself. So I logged in to update my lenses and got exited about the service again.

Squidoo is great to highlight a certain service, product or site. Since you can ad related lenses of yourself it allows you to build a mini network.

There are many modules to choose from. Also some that can make you money like Amazone and some others. You can ad RSS feeds also.

A Squidoo lens is not difficult to set up. To get the most out of Squidoo I recommend reading this Squidoo tutorial my friend Arthur (old Coot) posted. By the way he wrote more great tutorials on other popular services as well.

I have just finished my Suidoo lens on the NewbieMarketers blog, you are invited to take a look.

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