Building a brand is hard to do for such an easy task.


There are some simple and other not so simple rules to brand building. You must be a broker of information learning constantly so you can teach constantly and practicing what you teach so you can succeed constantly.


Beyond those rules you have to have integrity and practice good ethics, and be a steward for your community or in some cases communities. All of these will need their own vessels to get the word out. From a blog or forum to export what you have learned and use it to teach others, to encouraging customers to do things like check in at 4 Square and tell their friends why they like your business.


Many companies use contest and Facebook Page Aps to get the positive feedback, word of mouth advertising, and even to learn how to better serve their customers. Other companies simply add a card with a simple message like, “Love our food, then Like us on Facebook”, with a QR code so the patron can scan with their smart phone and accomplish the task before they leave the building.


One of my favorites is the social gathering approach where you host an online and offline meet up that fans and prospective customers can attend either in person of via the Internet. You can mix, mingle, and power network with people that can put your business on the map. This works especially well for food and service industries where you have a chance of capturing live customer feedback to be used later on sites like Youtube.


If you like this idea I have one major suggestion, use Ustream. Getting started is free and even if you outgrow that free account the upgraded packages are affordable and effective. Ustream also allows you to connect to social networks like Twitter and Facebook or invite other Ustream users in for live questions and answers. You can virtually connect the whole world with any business using these tools and ideas.


Above all hold to the honesty and integrity because the easy answer may come back to bite you and when it does, the damage may take years to overcome. This day and age nothing is more viral than an epic fail.


Andy Anderson

Come train with me on

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