What is the Ganoderma Mushroom?
Gandomera coffee, a blend of roasted coffee beans and the red mushroom extract Ganoderma Lucidum. Ganoderma has been used for centuries in China for its health benefits and has been considered a “miracle herb”. It is a natural medicinal food product, rich in nutrients with no negative side effects, and is considered a “superfood”.

There is NO mushroom flavor in the coffee – only the delightful flavor of a gourmet coffee.

Health Benefits

People who use Ganoderma report improved sleep, better digestion and resistance to cold and flu. The high amount of antioxidants in the Ganoderma mushroom strengthens the immune system, enabling it to fight viruses and bacteria. These properties can also lower high blood pressure, stimulate the liver, alleviate lung problems, and support the circulatory and respiratory systems. Ganoderma coffee acts as a preventative against certain diseases, such as diabetes, lung disorders, heart disease and cancer. In numerous scientific studies, it has been proven to treat a variety of human diseases including Lupus, HIV, chronic fatigue syndrome and cancers of the lung, prostate and blood. It contains high levels of antioxidants, which help to destroy cancer-causing free radicals and has the ability to regulate the body’s pH balance. It helps elevate the energy level and helps to lower blood pressure. Scientific research also shows that compounds found in ganoderma lower blood sugar. While many people may make extravagant claims as to what ganoderma can do, there is scientific proof that ganoderma lucidum inhibits apoptosis (cell self destruction) in human white blood cells, which lies at the root of many auto-immune viruses humans can be susceptible to.
Mental Health
Elements in Gandomera coffee can strengthen the flow of oxygen in the body, which can increase energy, vigor and reduce stress without the side effects of caffeine. This promotes feelings of well-being, which can have a positive effect on mental health problems and depression. Ganoderma is good for people who are under stress and protects the body against a variety of assaults, including environmental and biological ones. Ganoderma coffee has qualities that improve memory, reduce tension and sharpen concentration and to treat both anxiety and depression

Degenerative Diseases
Many of its properties are used in treatment of degenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer’s and dementia, fibromyalgia, Parkinson’s disease, and arteriosclerosis,

This mushroom is traditionally used to help asthma and skin conditions like rashes and psoriasis and has remarkable detoxifying powers. Ganoderma coffee is used in cosmetics to correct imperfections on the face, such as acne, scarring and lines, and to repair damage from the sun. Consuming a cup of Ganoderma coffee can also help the skin retain it’s moisture and appear dewy and supple.

Sleep Disorders
Ganoderma coffee contains calming properties that ease stress and can promote a restful night of sleep.

This is REAL coffee (not a coffee substitute) grown and processed organically without the use of chemicals, pesticides, hormones or artificial fertilizers. This coffee actually helps to remove toxins from your body, and with every cup you drink, you can feel better and realize increasing health benefits, and it tastes good, really good. Many ailments are caused by the imbalance of body functions due to the accumulation of toxins in the body.

How can Ganoderma Coffee be healthy?
It contains very Low Caffeine.
Regular coffee has approximately 135 mg of caffeine.
Tea has approximately 50 mg of caffeine.
A Diet Coke has 46 mg of caffeine.
One ounce of dark chocolate has 22 mg of caffeine.
Ganoderma Coffee has just 9 mg of caffeine.

Non-Acidic Coffee is too acidic, so unfortunately many people must avoid coffee or limit the number of cups they drink in a day.
Most coffee has a pH of 5.5
Ganoderma Coffee has a neutral pH between 7.3 and 7.5

For clinical studies and further information, go to:
(and type in Ganoderma)

Ganoderma should not be used by someone who has an allergy to mushrooms. If you are taking anti-coagulants, you should consult your doctor before taking Ganoderma.

Order Ganoderma Today http://www.myganocafe.com/cmi

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