Getting on Google front page is every person's dream for whatever reason. I don't like the fact that there is so much emphasis on getting on the front page of Google. As long as you are on the first 3 pages of Google, you are fine. It makes things a bit easier for you in the front page but that is not the golden grail of anything. The reason why it's not important is because you have to deal with the rest of the sites listed. Not only that, but you also run the chance of getting ranked on totally different keyword variations. Just because your site isn't ranked on the first on one keyword phrase doesn't meant that you won't on other keyword variations.

Now if you are a local business and you are trying to get on the front page, all you have to do is literally write or type all keyword variations that people would be looking for in your local area online. Once you do this, you will be able to see what people in your area look for and you will be able to surround your content around those search terms.

It's simple really. If you see anything online that isn't complimenting or adding on to this method, only to purposefully leave you confused and drained by information overload, then you are not looking at the right sources. I know that we are living in an over engineered society where we believe if it's not complicated, then it must not be legit or not be "intelligent." The truth is that some of these programs and sources are only doing this knowing that you are going to spend your money on over engineered info that you are going to use anyway but I digress.

Now to recap:

  • Write down the many features of your business people might search for online
  • Create content on your blog and website surround the keywords that your market would search for

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