Hello everyone,

Most of you already know I built a Squidoo Lens about free Viral Traffic that really works. There is a whole list of very good free programs to use to get the word out about your businesses.

This is the link: http://www.squidoo.com/RealVisitors

Thanks to a lot of you visiting and leaving nice coments a a high rating the traffic on this site is just taking off. So I was thinking since it is the kind of thing everyone can benefit from why not share it. Since it is free for everyone why not.

I see a lot of you have your own sites that are good for generating viral traffic but need to get them in front of others. So here is how we do it, go to the Lens get your access to all the viral programs for your own business. Then leave me access to yours and I will check it out and if it meets the requirements of generating free viral traffic I will post it on the site.

You will need your own Squidoo account to leave ratings and information but it is also free so sign up for your own free Squidoo account. At http://www.squidoo.com/lensmaster/referral/skimmer21

Don't forget to leave a high rating for the site because this will increase the traffic for everyone 10 fold.

The big advantage is we can get all the really good traffic generating sites all in one place at one time so we do not have to go looking.

Some of you need linkbacks to your viral traffic sites I can do this also. I just added one for JoeLee ad site.

So enjoy everyone to your success,

Dave (skimmer21)

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