come join me in TRIOND

there we can get the money in the form $ $ just by making atu writing articles in English
the article must be original without imitating or copying and pasting other people have

how your pay:
you will be paid if your minimum balance of $ 0.50 or more and are paid annually on 10 at the beginning of the month
payment requests can be made ​​through paypal and western union

earning how to get there:

when you send an article and the article is accepted by the admin and then publish any article that is installed at a site and there are people who are interested in seeing, or make a comment like
then you will get earnings / balance or $ $ from it
and if you get a visit uniq then greater income
for example, da; am one day you get 8 view uniq then it is equivalent to approximately $ 0.5

fun ...... come join with me ... enjoy earning

 screenshoot payment in the site 9 fe-2012

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