You've got to wonder why some people are even in network marketing.  I mean, they join a program and 6 months down the road, they are quitting that program and joining another.  They feel that the first program that they had joined, had been so gung ho, fired up about,  just wasn't working.  It wasn't bringing in the money that they had been sure it was going to.

Skip ahead another 3 months and yep, another program.  This one is guaranteed to work!  The owners and other distributors even said so.  You were watching people make tons of cash from it.  This is going to be the one!

Three more months go by, and you aren't any richer than you had been when you joined the first "sure thing".  In fact, you had even less money.  What was going wrong?  Why wasn't it happening to you?  There had to be a reason... was it your sponsor's?  Were the products not good enough?  What was wrong?  Surely, you had been doing everything right, you had been going to meetings, you had given out the pamphlets and business cards like you had been told to.  So why?

The biggest problem with network marketing, is that people get so hung up on "Get Rich Quick".  Then, if they don't start rolling in cash after their first two weeks, they think "SCAM", quit the program, and start bad mouthing that company.  "It doesn't work", "The comp plan sucks", or any other of a number of excuses.  And that is the wrong way to go about it.  Everyone knows that making money takes work.  It takes effort.  Network marketing will not make you rich overnight. 

Sure, there are the lucky few who have the right contacts and the right personality to make it seem like they did it overnight.  But, that's just it.  They had people waiting for them.  They knew that if they said 'jump', their people would 'jump'.

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