Yesterday, I wrote a blog post titled "Don't be afraid of fear."

Actually, I didn't write about the subject, I did a live video where I share my thoughts on the subject.

I got awesome comments, it gives a lot of additional food for thought. Here are comment excerpts:

"To have fear is normal. To let fear rule your life is a death sentence. I have acquaintances who let fear rule their lives. They can not go outside their homes unless..."

"Fear: So much has been written and said about.
Academics and Self-Help gurus have built careers talking about it.
Tyrants and bullies depend on it.
Schools and teachers use..."

"Fear is the result of insecurity. What we have to do is..."


After listening to the video, I opened another one which starts with the words:

Feelings are just visitors – don’t..."


I am laughing because I have been known for using the term “I have no fear”. I think it is like Neville said. My explanation goes something like this:"

You can see the video, read the comments and participate in the discussion here:

Don't be afraid of fear

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