How can a company or organization can grow continuously? Or the term is, how can a company capable of sustainable growth?

The answer is that the company had to grow up with with character. Character is a "typical" individual, organization or company. He is, ''engine'' that drives how a person or a company acting, acting, or trying to respond to something.

Character allows the company can achieve sustainable growth. This is because the characters provide consistency, integrity, and energy in achieving the growth and development.

What characters are required the company to grow and develop?

According to Hermawan Kertajaya, author of the book Grow with Character, there are three characters needed to grow in this era of hyper-competitive world. The character in question include: excellence, professionalism, and ethics.

Excellence is an attitude that allows a person or company always provides the best in any work or products. This is consistent with the expectations of society in general. Would not consumers are always looking for the number one product?

Professionalism is a character that encourages a person or company to always produce innovations that are able to produce work or new products better. Are not the wishes and needs of the community continues to grow, which means always in need of innovative products?

Ethics are the principles that drive decision making. With these ethics, a person or company has guidelines to be able to discern right from wrong.

So what to do with the customer ?

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The most important thing for life and death of a company is customer loyalty. There is no company will be able to survive without customer loyalty. Customer loyalty will appear when creating a deep sense of trust towards a brand. These feelings would not arise only from once or twice tried a brand. Often new loyalty can arise if the customer is completely understand the background of the brand, such as corporate philosophy, the attitude of employees both in front of the screen or doing paperwork in the back, even to the virtues of shareholders. In the cultural fabric of society is higher, customers will not buy a brand whose products are qualified if the owners or unethical business practices (such as tax evasion, the payment of wages below the minimum wage, environmental pollution, etc.). 

Seeing the changes that occur in society, such as increased awareness of the appreciation of humanism; more intelligent consumers; more and more choice for consumers; the cheapening of the cost of the Internet; and so forcing the companies must develop a clear character. And the characters are developed must have value for consumers.

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