For what ever reason many people on a given day decide to become an online marketer and make money! Such a decision is made quickly an easy. However unless you are already an experienced skilled offline marketer the situation for most online-work-from-home starters will be pretty much like this picture.

Putting on a suit and shoes that are way to big. In that case you need to grow in to it. My grand daughter Guusje decided to become a grown up like her daddy. As the picture shows it will take her years to fit that suit. So what does Guusje need? She needs food and drinks to grow, she needs love and friendship and she needs guidance. That is why she is looking up to her daddy. As little as she is, she knows that daddy will pick her up when she falls.

Guusje will encounter many challenges in her life before she fits the suit and shoes. Not all will go smoothly so she needs encouragement to tackle new challenges and to help built self confidence, self esteem and a strong character. As smart as daddy (lol my son) is he does not know everything. In some cases he may say 'ask mummy' or 'grandma'. Who are of course reliable resources.

All these factors together will make her grow into that suit. It is no different for newbie marketers. To be able to grow they need to confidence to tackle new challenges and they need friends and team leaders that give them support and encouragement. Good team leaders do that and do no pretend they know it all and refer their downline to people that can help with certain questions.

The place to find good information, friends, team leaders and reliable resources are social media networks like APSense, Facebook and others. You will find them by reading a lot and by contributing yourself. I can honestly say i would not be where I am now if I had not found this friends, leaders and resources.

Guusje is wearing a tie on this picture. It may get out of fashion, When that happens she will probably look for something else to wear. It is the same with internet marketing. At the moment mobile marketing is hot, but maybe in a few years that can change to some newer and more exiting. If you do not want to fall behind you will need to explore new technologies and strategies. Be prepared to be in a ongoing learning curve.

So do not only decide to put on the online marketing suit but make also the decision to grow in to it and to change the suit when the fashion changes!

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