This is an age old Marketing question that I'm going to attempt to answer but keep

in mind that what works for me might not necessarilly work for you because

everybody's different and have different time constrictions and motivation. I don't

make guarantees but I can pretty much guarantee you that you'll have to work like a

dog for at least 30 days straight before you even begin to see some decent results.


1. Blogging is very important and Wordpress rules in the blogging world, they have

great widgets and powerful ranking in Google. If you're looking for a great free

Wordpress blog, I strongly suggest


2. Free Press Releases are another powerful tool I use that gives me some powerful

link love. Anybody can get to the top of Google but the trick is how long can you

stay there?


3. Articles are another tool I use in my advertising arsenal.


4. You Tube is way too powerful to ignore, what I do is find people who I can farm

out some of my video work to and have them create a video for me and I find someone

else who can get me views and subscribers.


5. Marketing sites are another important tool to be used for link love, don't just

register to a site and sit there, get involved and put your link in your signature.

If you contribute to a Marketing site most people don't mind when you sprinkle a

little Marketing in the mix.


6. I normally pay someone to create a Facebook fan page for me, I pay no more than

$5 to get these jobs done.


7. Twitter can't be ignored either, register with a good business name and build

your list naturally because you want targeted people on your list.


8. RSS feeds is another tool I use, you get that from your blog, then I registered

my RSS feed with Feedburner. A lot of people allow RSS feeds to intimidate them but

the meaning of RSS is, Real Simple Solution. You figure the rest out. Its not

rocket science.


Manage your time well and you should see some results soon along with conversions,

just don't make this harder than it has to be and you'll be just fine. If you're a

newbie and are on the fence wondering what to get into, stop by my Marketing e-book

store. Its just $12 a month and you get 100% of the sale directly to your PayPal


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