I Don't Want to Be An Internet Net Marketing Guru.

But may be I am!

Unlike most Net Guru's and top internet marketers I just want to be my friendly self, work hard online and earn enough money too get by. In fact I would rather earn a little money than spend it.

Most people, my wife and kids included, would rather spend money. I seem to be the opposite I only spend money if I rally need to, or I spend money to make money.

My reason for being online is it stops me from feeling isolated I.E. stuck at home unable to talk to friends or anyone. Also I like meeting people and I like to feel involved in business and to help other people and share the good times.

However like most people I have my funny little ways and a few gripes.

Seeing people who won't help them self and want everything free or not to do any work and expect to earn money online annoys me. There are many guru's that target these people and dream up these programs where you pay and everything is done for you. Ha! ha! Ha! surprise, surprise, it does not happen.

The other thing that gripes me is when people give up on things, this really gripes me.

The internet is a different world, I call it a delayed world. because everything you do in regards to earning money takes many months to happen.

If you join a good affiliate or mlm program today and seriously promote it every day nothing much will happen in the first 3 months. If you continue and increase your effort in the next 3 months you will get some results. If you do the same again you will get better results and so on. It's like being in the snow fields and pushing a small snowball down the hill, at first the snowball is small and pushing is hard but the further along you get, the snow ball becomes bigger and bigger and it will after a while build enough momentum to go down by itself and eventully will grow bigger and bigger and move faster and faster. But the snow ball in the bigining will stop if you stop pushing, if you give up.

Most people in online business give up before they have given sufficient time and effort to succeed. I see it all the time as I have signed hundreds of downline members to many programs which I know work because they make me a full time income working part time at home.

I have a formula. If I spend up to $100 a week on advertising I expect to earn $10 for every one dollar I spend. If I spend more like $500 I expect to get $8 for every dollar. if  I spend $1000 plus I expect to get $5 -7 dollars in return for every dollar I spend. But remember you may have a delay getting your returns back. You may have to pay out money for 90 days first before return income become regular.

Everyone if you really want to make money online start with research. Then have a budget and be prepared to pay money on advertising and promotions.

Start research today by reading my other posts here at Apsense. 








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