An article should be informative and not a blatant advertisement. A few lines of text and a link or a line of text and a banner is not an article. An article around a certain product or service can be informative when you write about why you recommend it; best is if you can write out of your own experience with it.

The best thing is to write something unique instead of copy/paste ad copy of some program. If you write something unique it will be picked up by search engines which is not the case when you paste and copy.

The same applies for rev pages. If you are not such a good writer you can copy/paste but I strongly advise to write a personal opinion or experience about the service or product first. 

This also applies when you use PLM articles. Take the time to write a short introduction or summary where the article is about. If allowed you can rewrite it a bit. But make sure you can answer questions about  the subject and do not forget to give credit to the original author.

When you write good content this will not only good for indexing your contribution in search engines but will also brand you as a serious marketer and/or a knowledgeable expert in your niche. 

Reading a lot can also help in becoming a better writter. I wrote a separate article with some writing tips.

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