In this article, I will talk about APSense members who use tactics to be popular, but are not good for branding themselves as people we can trust, in my opinion.

Lately, at APSense, I've seen some members who like everything they see. They click "thumb up" for tons of articles and/or RevPages, they click the "thumb up" for many members' profiles. Clicking "thumb up" gives a like.

They write empty recommendations like "This person is honest and a good marketer", without saying anything specific about what the person does. It takes a few seconds to write such recommendations. In my opinion, such a recommendation has zero value. One of them wrote such a recommendation to me, I deleted it.

Another thing I've seen are articles that are written in perfect English, from people who write bad English in their comments to other people's articles or activities. A quick search of the first paragraph on Google shows the article was copied. When I tell them that, they respond that they want to help people by sharing good information. They should know that plagiarism is not legal, at APSense or anywhere else, and it would be better if they took the time to rewrite the article in their own words. It would show they understand the topic, and they would brand themselves better. It doesn't matter if your article is not in perfect English. Only article directories such EzineArticles require it.

All these things I've described might help for a short while, but after some time, people will realize you don't really care about others, and they will stop trusting you.

Instead, take the time to do things properly. After all, building a solid business takes time. Most of us here at APSense want to make money online to leave our jobs and retire early. Sure, it takes a few years to accomplish that, but think of the decades you will enjoy that freedom and all the friends you will have made by being proactive instead of always being in a hurry to make a few dollars.

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