At a younger age I wrote a lot. Loved writing essays and kept a personal dairy until I got married. For some reason I than stopped writing till about 10 years ago where started a little webdesign company and wrote some texts for websites.

A also did some writing about local events in my village for local newspapers. All in Dutch language.

Since a year I started writing again. Also in English what was a challenge since my English was a bit rusty.

And I am glad I did. And not only because it helps branding myself;

  • Writing helps me to sort out my thoughts
  • Writing keeps memories alive. So do pictures and videos but often memorable moments occur when you do not have a camera at hand. I will forget them if I do not write them down. It is also fun to read stuff you wrote years ago.
  • Writing helps to deal coping with things. Sometimes there are things you can't talk about because it is too difficult due to emotions. In that case I write it of my chest.
  • Writing is rewarding. Sometimes you can help people.

Recently I got an idea. Because I became a grandmother. I am going to start a diary for my grand children. With stories about funny things they did or said and stories about trips, things they did that make me happy or proud. They get it when I'm gone.

When you also like writing you may want to join a Writers Club or group. There are some groups here on APSense.

What I noticed in regards to writing in another language, it gets easier if you do it a lot. Practice makes the master applies certainly also to writing.

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