Yesterday I did a discussion about the small zoo I have at my house. I decided that today I am going to tell you a little bit about one of those pets named Wilbur.

We got Wilbur about five years ago. My husband is a letter carrier in Florence, Alabama, a town about 30 minutes away from us. One of the couples that he delivered to about five years ago was an elderly couple that had Wilbur. They loved him a lot but they were both getting in bad health and were not really able to take care of him like they wanted to. They asked my husband if he knew someone who might like to have Wilbur. They wanted it to be a home with kids that would give Wilbur lots of love. My husband came home and asked me if I wanted the cat and I was glad to say yes. Our kids had been wanting one for a long time so I was eager to get Wilbur for them.

Poor thing was scared to death all the way to our home. My husband called me to let me know they were on the way and I could hear him meowing loudly in the backgound. When my husband got home with him we took him to our laundry room where we were going to let him stay for a couple of weeks to get used to us.

As soon as we let him out of the carrier he stopped meowing and started a very loud PURRR!! We couldn't help but laugh because he was glad to be free!!

I have tried to upload a picture of Wilbur to let you see what he looks like. I hope you will get some enjoyment out of it.

Have a great day!!

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