Okay I'm not really from Missouri but I believe whole-heartedly in their state motto: "Show me".  Lately there's a new program being promoted here that reminds me of one that was recently banned.  The banned program that everyone was pushing so hard suddenly disappeared when this one magically appeared on the scene.  I'm not even going to go into the impossible math which anyone would see if they looked beyond the hype I'm going to go into the fact that there are two names publicly attached to this.

Derrick Van Dyke and Todd Gross.  You are probably thinking that means this program is above board right?  Well sorry but there are things here that do not add up.  

If Derrick Van Dyke is behind this and it's his business, doesn't it make sense that he would mention that fact in his blog along with the other programs he promotes?  Well he doesn't, not a peep.  He has a list of things he is involved with and yet Direct Pay Profits is nowhere on the list.  I'm talking Derrick's own blog here, and he doesn't mention a program he deleveloped. Hmmmmm....

And what about Todd Gross?  He's best known as a weatherman.  He gained some name recognition from the Movie The Perfect Storm.  Well Todd hs his own blog too mostly weather related with a couple referring to internet marketing and Direct Pay Profits is not among the two but according to the form hype letter that is being used to promote this program, Todd is handling most of the promotions.  Wait someone with a little serious name recognition is not promoting a business he helped develop on his website when he is promoting other businesses? Hmmmm.

Okay so let me verify this information, they have both publicly put their name on this so it will be easy enough to run them through who is and get it verified.  No go!  Protected by Who Is Guard!  What possible reason for that if these are truly the men behind this?

So what if a form letter says it is them? That is not proof.  Neither of these men has publicly attached their name to this program, I don't care what that form letter/hype page says, there's nothing to back it up.  As a matter of fact is you think this means that they are behind it then my name is Mickey Mouse.  After all the only thing saying that they are behind it is the fact that someone typed their name in that letter just like I typed Mickey Mouse in this post.  For those who haven't figured it out yet let me make it real simple-it's called IDENTITY THEFT!

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