Network Marketing can get strange at times, you'll encounter people who for some odd reason think you have nothing else to do than to bring whatever you're doing to a complete halt so you can spend the whole day and sometimes the whole week listening to their crap and games, like the befriending game just so they can hook you with their latest and greatest offering. Nevermind the fact that you never mentioned anywhere that you were in the market for a new Home Business. Nevermind the face that you are perfectly fine with the business you have, nevermind the fact that they never even asked you if you even have a business. I guess some people don't know how to take the subtle clues you send out to them that you're really busy and don't want to be bothered.


I've come to the conclusion that I have to be brutally honest with people and that when I try to use tact, it doesn't seem to resonate with some overly aggresive people and they need the direct approach. Some of these people still can't take the direct approach and still try to contact you with their nonsense even in the face of obvious discomfort by their victims. Its like they believe for some reason you're supposed to stop dead in your tracks to listen to them, I beg to differ because I learned the art of conversation from the best that ever did it, I studied the Art Of Natural Selling recently and still go back over my studies frequently. The art of conversation is becoming a lost art in these days of technology.


It should become obvious to you at some point when you're blabbing on that the person on the other end can't wait for you to shut the heck up so they can run for the hills. Your project, home business, site, group or forum may mean the world to you but I may not feel the same way and that should become painfully obvious to you in your one way conversation you're having with your hostage. Yes they are hostages because most of the time these people don't allow them to get a word in edgewise and go on and on and on ad nauseum into infinity. So please, if you're one of these people you may want to take a step back and figure out why people stay away from you like the plague.

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