After reading another Apsense member's article "Back to Basics. Do families still eat together?" and another member's blog on "Too Busy?" I was once again inspired-- uh oh :-)

Both these blogs raised a question in my wee little brain..."What happened?"

What happened to building a business based on friendships?
What happened to helping others for the sake of helping?
What happened to spending time with one's family?
What happened to taking time to smell the coffee?
What happened to slow roasting?

Are these days really gone?!

I guess I am a bit old fashioned, but I am starting to believe the old fashioned way of doing things are the best. I actually enjoy talking to people, taking time out of my day to listen and taking the time to slow roast my dinner rather than eat out at a fast food place.(there is a time and place for it though-LOL) I like to learn about the people I am in business with rather than "sucker them in" with my incredible sales-man-ship and then forget about them after they join the "latest craze" - I am tired of the Rat Race online business has become! As a people we have become so used to the busy-ness of life that we have even allowed our busi-ness to take the place of relationships, real or online. I too, have been guilty. How many of you have links in your signatures? How many times do they even get clicked because we are just too busy? We are too busy in our busi-ness to even bother to look at a friend's website. Don't look at my website.

Because of our Busy-ness, we have hurt ourselves in the process. People have become so afraid/leery of "being sold" online, that even the free things have become feared, and rightfully so. Would you click a link now to get free information? or would you have to be persuaded because you have "done that before" only to be added to a mailing list or a freebie marketing ring. Yep, build a "quick list" by offering a freebie ... isn't that what the gurus have taught us? It is all in the list......Don't get me wrong, Some Online businesses are worth being added to the list, but we should be able to choose without fear.... Don't look at my website.

How many people take 5minutes of their day to click to help others? Many don't, simply because they are afraid that they might be sold something or added to a "list". I know I was leery until I actually took the time to click the link and see what it was all about. But, It all takes time. Seriously, in 5 just minutes you could feed children, give free mammograms, give children the gift of literacy, save the rainforest, and even fed animals, but we might be too afraid to try. Don't look at my website.

As my friends have pointed in their blogs, we have even become too busy to eat together. Eating together takes time... and as these lovely ladies pointed out, we simply don't have it to give. Life is busy. Forget the coffee and the roast and Please ... don't look at my website.

this article/blog was written in fun---So, please don't be offended, as I just don't have the time to discuss it or to explain myself

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