Welcome to January's edition of E-Light - the Crystal Herbs Newsletter

Welcome to January's edition of E-Light - the Crystal Herbs Newsletter

Dear Friends, . This month includes: January's Energetics, Mastery of Mind and Emotion, Essence Suggestions for January, and Special Offers for the month! Hello and welcome to the first edition of our E-Light newsletter for 2011.


Looking back a few years January comes to mind as a contemplative month, which often seemed to pass rather slowly as we waited for the imperceptibly lengthening days to create a visible reality of strengthening light. However this year it seems to us that there is no sense that January is going to hang around, rather there is an underlying sense of urgency that seems to be putting us all ?on notice to be prepared to move forward.

The energies that flowed in at the time of the solstice and full moon lunar eclipse in December were incredibly powerful, potent energies that washed through our planet and every living thing on it, expanding the process of change to a whole new level. It seems hardly surprising then that everywhere we look in the world there has been something happening that is out of the norm, be it extreme weather patterns, unexpectedly chaotic events or the seeming inability for previously hidden issues that affect us all to stay out of the public domain.

January Energetics The powerful energy of the new moon lunar eclipse on January 4th brought with it a sense that we had turned a corner and there was a feeling of release and forward movement that was both refreshing and exciting. The prevailing influence for most of this month will of course come to us from the constellation of Capricorn. The highest frequencies of this energy will be encouraging us to review our personal motives and to reach for the highest frequencies of light we are each capable of, with a view to anchoring them firmly into our everyday material reality.


The full moon on January 19th closely followed by Jupiter moving into Aries will bring us a rush of expansive energy that might leave us feeling a little breathless. However it will be transformative energy that we can use to our advantage if we are ready and willing to move forward. A Year of Choices The pace of change seems set to continue to accelerate over this coming year boosted by the many powerful planetary alignments and energy gateways that are lining up to influence our reality.

For all of us, individually and collectively, 2011 will be a year of important choices and one in which we will particularly need to stay aligned with our inner guidance and wisdom. With all this in mind it is perhaps good to recognise that everything is working out according to a master plan and that we are each an integral part of that grand plan.

The incoming powerful energies and planetary alignments that we are experiencing are all designed to help move us beyond the structures of third dimensional consciousness. If we are willing to let go then old baggage can be cleared away with surprising speed in these new energies. However if we choose to ?argue for our limitations? then life will become more difficult because those old structures and thought forms can no longer be supported in the current energy flow. Mastery of Mind and Emotion It is perhaps not surprising that at a personality level many people are currently feeling somewhat disorientated and a little lost in this gigantic process of change. Partly this is because 3D consciousness is focused on the material world of structure and form and draws its security from these outer manifestations.


The current process of change means that we need to recognise that this has only provided us with an illusion of security and that our real security comes firstly from our inner connection to our true self and then from our unbreakable connection to the web of life. This is an understanding that is slowly filtering into our everyday consciousness as the grip of the third dimension loosens its hold over us.

However, there is a degree of mastery over our thoughts and emotions and a conscious focus on the alignment of our lower energy bodies that is required in order for us to fully make this transition. Our choices in this respect will be extremely important over the coming year.

In our experience Vibrational Essences are wonderful tools to help raise the vibrations of the lower energy bodies and to stabilise the consciousness so that new choices and ideas can be received and integrated. So with that in mind here are a few suggestions for essences that might be particularly helpful this month.


Essence suggestions for January The ability to become a detached observer is an important aspect in the process of mastery over our thoughts and emotions. All of us find some emotions and thoughts easier than others to deal with. Simply becoming aware of those that are still easily triggered and liable to master you rather than the other way round is a helpful first step to gaining greater mastery.

For those days when you need some extra support and help to stay balanced there is really nothing to match a well-chosen combination of Bach Flower Remedies taken often, to help you reach that all important place of greater detachment. Simple and economical to use a set of Bach Flower Remedies can make a wonderful contribution to your self-help resources. If you do not already have your own set you could choose to take advantage of one of our special offers on Bach Flower Sets this month or use our Mix your own Bach Combinations service to order your combinations.

Please do contact us if you need help with your choices. There are several issues deeply rooted within the human collective consciousness that have the potential to keep us unconsciously ?arguing for our limitations? if we are not watchful of our thoughts and emotions. Two of the most important of these are blame and lack of forgiveness.


These issues are of course intricately linked together and still form a very real part of many peoples realities. At a time where we are all being asked to step into greater personal empowerment and self-responsibility extra vigilance is required to ensure that we do not allow ourselves to entertain any thought forms related to these states of victim consciousness. For anyone requiring support with these issues we can thoroughly recommend one of the following combinations to help; Self Responsibility, (Divine Harmony Essences) Forgiveness (Divine Harmony Essences) Heartfelt Forgiveness (Rose Collection) or Healing Abuse (Healing Abuse). A Solar Plexus Chakra combination or Heart Chakra combination (Chakra Essences) might also be a helpful here.


Another issue that affects our ability to master our thoughts and emotions is that of our energetic relationship with the world around us. Strong energetic boundaries and the ability to discern anothers energy and thought forms from our own are essential if we are to become a master of our own thoughts and emotions. Lack of accurate information and understanding has resulted in many people being unaware of how to create healthy energetic boundaries.

Lack of grounding is also often associated with this problem. A universally helpful combination to provide support with this issue is the Auric Protection combination, available in either spray form (Pure Vibrations Collection) or the more traditional dropper bottle, (Divine Harmony Essences). White Bluebell (Karmic essences) would also be helpful here. For ongoing support we suggest working with each of the lower chakras in turn; Base, Sacral & Solar Plexus. Related combinations for each chakra can be found in the Chakra Essences section of our website.

Last but not least we can thoroughly recommend our new Energetic Alignment spray (Pure Vibrations Collection) for anyone seeking extra support this month. This powerful spray will help to keep your energetic system aligned through all the levels making it easier for you to release old patterns and issues more easily as well as to receive guidance and help from your higher self. New Special Offers...

We have a new range of essences on special offer this month, including: Angel of Abundance, Inner Calm, Strength & Wellbeing, Energetic Alignment, Earth Connection, a Complete Angel Essence Set & the Archangel & Ascended Master Essence Set - all at 20% discount. And you can also treat yourself or a friend to a Bach Flower Remedy set with a 10% discount on all complete sets. Find out more here -



Well that?s it from us, it just remains for us to wish you a month of balance and mastery and to send you all much love with the reminder to contact us if you need further help or support on your journey. With Peace & Love, All at Crystal Herbs

Warm Regards Nina


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