May's Edition

Welcome to May's edition of E-Light -                                           The Crystal Herbs Newsletter.
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Abundant May Blessings

Spring has been relatively late in arriving this year and we are now being treated to an extra glorious beginning to the month of May, as the whole of nature bursts forth into abundant and vibrant new life. May is always one of our favourite months of the year, marking as it does the end of the winter half of the year and the beginning of summer in the northern hemisphere. The Celtic fire festival of Beltane celebrated on May 1st is the traditional way of welcoming the returning light of the sun and honouring the new cycle of fertility just beginning in this part of the world. Hawthorn blossom, also called May blossom because of its abundant glory during the month of May, has long been a potent symbol of the beginning of this new cycle, and represents the power of the feminine goddess to bring forward the gifts of purity, growth & renewal.

May Energetics

The prevailing energetic influence for the month of May each year comes to us from the constellation of Taurus, the bull. Spiritually Taurus represents the principle of
illumination, and radiates the penetrating light of divine will to enlighten the physical
world. This month we can expect the energy of Taurus to highlight those areas of our lives where attachment and desire keep us too focussed in the material world. In other words those areas that require enlightening to allow divine will to be expressed more fully.

May is also associated with the Buddha, the great eastern spiritual master who is said to have been born, achieved enlightenment and died under the influence of the sign of Taurus. It is therefore no coincidence that the second great spiritual festival of the year, the Festival of Wesak is celebrated at the full moon when the sun is in Taurus, which this year is on April 28th. The Buddha is the expression of the Wisdom of God, the embodiment of light and the indicator of divine purpose. At the time of the Wesak Festival each year He joins forces with the Christ the great spiritual master who is the expression of the Love of God to pour forth the blessings of the second Ray of Love and Wisdom to all of humanity who are open to receive these powerful energies.

Planetary Service

As we contemplate the importance of the Festival of Wesak it is humbling to recognise the magnitude of the service that the great masters of light offer to humanity. With focus and dedication they consistently offer us, their less awake brothers and sisters, the blessing and support of their love and higher consciousness. Each year the magnificence of the Wesak blessings are available to all of us, however we only receive them in their richness and fullness through our own willingness to serve as intermediaries between those great beings of light and the physical world in which we live. So in the quietness of our hearts this month let each one of us choose to reach out in our consciousness to receive and
radiate the blessings so generously offered at this special time. We will be aided in this process of inner connection by Mercury, which is retrograde in Taurus until May 11th. Disruptive as this energy can be in the world of outer communications it will nevertheless greatly enhance our ability to reflect into our inner world.

Essence suggestions for May

May certainly promises to be a month of highly potent energies that will offer us many
blessings and opportunities. However because we still live in a world of polarity we must be aware that the equal and opposite of these energies will also be available to us if we choose to engage with them. Making sure that we stay calm and balanced and very aware of those aspects of ourselves that still require recognition, love and acceptance will be important. The chaos of change in our outer world is only likely to increase as old ways of being crumble to make way for new, however we always have the choice of how this energy affects us provided that we stay awake and aware of our own inner process of change.

So with that in mind here are a few suggestions for essences that might be particularly helpful this month. Firstly lets start with some essences that can help to connect us more fully with the blessings offered to us during this special month. Many of us still have unconscious defence systems that block our ability to receive abundance from the universal pot. Essences that open our hearts and connect us with the wisdom of our true Self are the ones that we need to help us in this situation. Some of our favourites are Open to Receive or Thankfulness (Divine Harmony Essences), Prosperity, or Gratitude (Inner Child Essences), Unconditional Love (Rose Collection) or Heart Chakra (Chakra Essences). Each of these essence combinations provides a slightly different focus on the theme of opening the
heart to be more receptive to universal love. We suggest that you take a moment to read through the descriptions and choose the one that resonates most for you.

From our own experience two other very common issues that block our ability to receive are lack of self-value and lack of forgiveness. If you need support with one of these issues then either Feeling Worthy or Forgiveness (Divine Harmony Essences) would be very helpful this month.

If we are to follow in the footsteps of our elder brothers and sisters to become true
planetary servers we must first leave behind any issues related to ‘victim consciousness’ and step fully into our spiritual empowerment. Perhaps the number one issue that can hold us back in this regard is an unconscious belief that ‘life is unfair’ together with its accompanying emotion of resentment. We know that this issue is not a popular one to have to own, however from our experience powerful shifts have been made when we have chosen to work with it. We can thoroughly recommend a bottle or two of Self Responsibility (Divine Harmony Essences) to support swift change in this area.

Last but not least we would like to remind you of the wonderful support that we can all receive from the Angelic Realms when we remember to ask for assistance. With this in mind you might like to treat yourself to an Angel Essence or two this month. The Angel of Abundance will be delighted to help you resonate more fully with prosperity consciousness, while the Angel of Truth will be right there beside you to remind you to align with your true Self. Choose the Angels of Transmutation or Purification if you want help with clearing old issues or enlist the help of the Angel of Harmony to create greater balance in your life. Angel Essences make great gifts – either for yourself or a friend - so we would like to encourage you to take a moment to check out the others in the set to find the perfect ones for you.

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