I read that in a book last year.

It's kind of weird, when you stop and think about it.

In a real war, you know, with guns, bombs, soldiers, etc... it's tough to apply what I will talk about here.

In ordinary life, it's so easy.

Let's see...

The best way to avoid a war...

is to stay home instead of going on the battlefield.

Think about it.

The person or group with whom you have a conflict, if after you try to explain your position peacefully, they still want to go to war against you, simply refuse to engage.

Stay out of the battelfield.

Keep the conversations private. Never go in public with the issue.

If they still persist, they call you stubborn, or worse things, make sure your friends know you're being harrassed, then start ignoring the rants, the provocations, the double used to make you lose control of yourself.

Yes, they will say you don't know what you're talking about.

Yes, they will say you talk the talk, but you don't walk the walk.

Yes, they will say they make money, and you don't, so it's the proof you don't know what you're talking about.

Last I heard, there was no law against expressing opinions. At least, not in Canada, the US, and many other countries.

Some doctors make a lot of money.

Put them in a classroom, they will feel uncomfortable, start babbling, or worse, give bad advice. Not voluntarily, it's just they have the talent to practice their field of work, but not to teach.

The opposite is true.

People who teach medicine do so because, either they love to teach, or they were unsuccessful in trying to find a job as a doctor.

I'm not saying it's black and white.

There are doctors who are also good teachers. They've been blessed with both talents.

Chances are, many of them will prefer to practice than to teach. They make more money that way. It's good that they also teach, since they can talk about actual experience, not just what they read in textbooks.

In conclusion to the main subject of the article, staying away from the battelfield will bring you piece of mind. Not at once, but keep practicing it, you'll see.

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