Principal Bhupinder tells about THE WONDER ART OF CONVERSATION
We should make use of simple language in normal conversation. We may not browbeat or overawe other person with our superior knowledge. Our tone should be polite and our gestures dignified while speaking
Good speaking means good listening. Please pay attention to what other person is saying.
We may avoid criticizing friends in front of others. If we have a difference of opinion, we should not express it in a harsh manner
There is no need of becoming a centre of attraction, we should be democratic and allow others to speak in a group .One may not indulge in speaking ill of others in their absence, this way we may lose all friends. Remember it is better to lose an argument than to lose a friend.

One ought to develop a sweet voice by practicing to speak regularly. The words like ?thanks?, ?please? mention not?it is my honour ? sorry ?I apologize ?are important in life.

Dignified language should be used especially in presence of women. We should avoid slang language and short cut words while writing ,Avoid 4 for four, cod for could .rgds for regards ,wd for would, mgt for management ,how r u for how are you, how d for how do you do etc

One should have a feedback about one?s speaking ability from others. Always go by norms of society and try to understand how people rate you. . Do not overreact if others condemn you. Defend yourself in a persuasive manner. Please do not run away from a conflict.

Please develop ability of expressing yourself convincingly with cogent statements. Lastly, be diplomatic and avoid making sweeping statements about other persons or various issues. Do not be jealous of success of others rather praise achievements of your friends .Please never break a relation, remember there is always a second time .

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