The Choice of Reality versus Illusion
? November?s E-Light Newsletter

Posted on November 8th, 2010

Welcome to November?s edition of E-Light ? the Crystal Herbs Newsletter. This month includes: November Energetics, Essence Suggestions for November, Special Offers and some Quantum Physics!

Despite the glorious autumn colors that we are currently enjoying, the beginning of November has also inevitably brought with it that moment of truth in which we recognize that autumn has almost gone and that the arrival of winter cannot be put off much longer. It heralds a time in the northern hemisphere in which we must prepare ourselves for a period of more inward introspection and renewal during the coming winter months in order to be ready to emerge refreshed when the light returns again in spring.

The Choice of Reality versus Illusion ? November Energetics

We are continuing to experience the effects of the energetic matrix that is currently being created by the ongoing series of major planetary alignments and configurations designed to stimulate and support change and transformation on all levels in our universe. Certainly for us the incoming stream of high frequency energies that we experienced throughout October proved to be every bit as powerful as expected. The energies of the 10 10 10 gateway brought a wave of higher perspective that has left many people with an awareness of things or situations in their lives which are complete and ready for release. Some have let go with grace into the flow of change while others are still hesitating, unwilling to completely trust the direction of the intuitive understanding welling up inside them.

This is a situation that seems likely to continue on this month as we come under the influence of the constellation of Scorpio, which will present us with the opportunity to further unstick ourselves from the Maya of illusion by choosing to allow the light of higher truth to become our guide. Like Hercules facing the hydra with it?s multiple heads we must first encounter the many faces of illusion that we currently believe to be truth and allow them to be overcome by the power of higher reasoning and intuition that are the domain of the soul.

Daunting though this might sound it is actually far less of a Herculean task than we might imagine. The flood of high frequency energies that have been sweeping through our planet are currently instigating a process of change that is freeing up the apparently fixed matrix of reality that we have believed to be true and offering us opportunities to make new choices about our future. Quantum physics has already proved to us many times that we live in a world of fluid reality that responds to our focused thought and intention, thereby providing us with the powerful recognition that any apparent obstacles in our individual or collective realities are of our own creation and therefore capable of uncreation. If we all consistently make the choice to stay aligned with our own intuitive higher truth, the higher plan for humanities future will be able to unfold.


What do you choose?

So this will be a month in which to be especially aware of the choices that we make as we face up to the tests that life will inevitably bring forward for all of us. We can either open to the input of the higher mind and flow with our intuition or choose to remain stuck in the illusory world of the lower mind and thereby perpetuate the problems of the past. As we face these choices it will be important to remember that new choice is only truly available to us from the present moment. In other words unless we are actively engaged in staying focused and aware in each moment we will inevitably end up following through with old unconscious patterns of behavior. In the present moment however, the power of the past is diminished through awareness and the future is fluid and open to the creative flow of the higher mind.

Essence suggestions for November

It is obviously very important that we all develop a strong inner connection to our own truth and light and continue to be very aware of when we are operating from that place and when we are not. Simply noticing when we have unconsciously fallen into old patterns diminishes their power over us and provides the opportunity to move back into a place of greater empowerment and choice. Sometimes however despite the fact that we can see that we have simply forgotten to be conscious of the higher perspective of a situation the issues that are triggered off are so intense that we cannot immediately find the way back into that place of higher consciousness. This is when some well-chosen essence combinations can be an invaluable assistance.

So let?s start this month with a few suggestions to help those states that are most commonly triggered off when the lower mind is intent on keeping control. Three of the most common states triggered off in this situation are fear, doubt or uncertainty and lack of self worth. Although we talked about essences for fear last month it is probably worth repeating the information here as many people are currently finding themselves caught up in this difficult and debilitating state. So choices to help with fear are Inner Calm (Divine Harmony Essences), Courage(Inner Child Essences) orStrength & Courage Spray (Pure Vibrations Collection). For many people doubt or uncertainty comes close behind fear when they are stretched beyond their normal comfort zones so for anyone seeking support with this issue we suggest a bottle or two of Inner Certainty (Divine Harmony Essences) or Faith(Inner Child Essences), while either Feeling Worthy (Divine Harmony Essences) or Self Worth(Inner Child Essences) would be a great support for those needing help to recognize their own self-value.

As we have said, being able to stay grounded and focused in the present moment is becoming more and more important in this new energy flow. Problems often arise because we unconsciously associate being grounded and present with previous painful experiences we have had in other incarnations, experiences that have made us unwilling to participate fully in physical life again. However, the current flow of high frequency energies is literally sweeping away this old matrix of reality from our collective consciousness and changing our perception of time in the process. We can no longer so easily choose to live in the past and must now learn to anchor ourselves firmly in the present moment. This requires a constant focus on maintaining our energetic connections with the earth as well as vigilance over the thoughts and beliefs that we allow to linger in our energy fields. For those who would like support with this issue we can highly recommend our new Earth Connection Spray(Pure Vibrations Collection). This will very quickly and effectively pull you right back into your body and help you to stay grounded and focused. For anyone who feels that they have deep issues around grounding and being fully present then one of the following combinations would also be a very helpful resource this month; Being Present (Divine Harmony Essences), Base Chakra .

We would also like to remind you of just how helpful a well chosen

combination of Bach Flower Remedies can be to pull you back into balance when you are having a difficult time seeing the higher perspective of something that life has thrown up for you. Having your own Bach Flower Remedy Set is a wonderful resource and one that we thoroughly recommend, however if you do not currently have one then do remember that you can order your chosen combination of Bach Flowers directly from our


New Special Offers?

We have a new range of essences on special offer this month, including: Angel of Abundance, Inner Calm, Strength & Wellbeing, Energetic Alignment, Earth Connection & the Archangel & Ascended Master Essence Set - all at 20% discount. And you can also treat yourself or a friend to a wonderful Bach Flower Remedy set with a 10% on all complete sets. Find out more here ?


Quantum Physics

Finally we would like to leave you with this invitation, which came to us from the world of quantum physics. It is an opportunity to walk your talk and join together on 11 11 10 to help co create a new collective reality for humanities future ? enjoy!

With Peace & Love,


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