Maybe you want to buy a gift for a friend or relative who likes cigars. Or you"��ve been tasked with providing the cigars for a bachelor party. Perhaps you know several guys who will soon become fathers, and you want to have a good supply of cigars on hand. Whatever your reasons, you"��ve decided that assembling a diverse cigar sampler is a good idea.

Except for one thing: you know nothing about cigars.

There"��s no need to stress out. Creating the perfect cigar sampler is actually quite simple because no matter what you decide to include, there are no wrong answers. Cigars are like wine: though they both are measured and identified by many different traits, at the end of the day, the best choice is the one that tastes the best to you. Plus, if you"��re putting together a sampler grouping, you can include different brands, flavors, and sizes in order to maximize the options for those who will be smoking them.

Here are some attributes of cigars:


Like many other products, brands are common identifiers of cigars "�" but they are not absolute. In other words, it is possible to find first-class cigars with unfamiliar names. Two of the most celebrated brands of cigar are Cohiba and Monte Cristo "�" but because these are manufactured in Cuba, they are not legal to purchase in the United States (if you see these brands in an American cigar shop, they are probably fakes). So if you cannot obtain Cohibas or Monte Cristos, you might consider other high-quality cigars like Macanudo, Davidoff, Dunhill, Ashton, or Arturo Fuente "�" all of which are legal in the U.S.


This has to do with whether the cigar is rolled by hand or built by a machine. You probably know the answer to this one: with cigars, handmade almost always trumps machine made. The subtle flavor nuances of a cigar are captured much more effectively when cigars are rolled by hand. So when browsing through a selection of cigars, look for those which are handmade. Even a novice cigar smoker will be able to taste the difference.


The most obvious measurement of a cigar is its length, which is calculated in inches. However, the width of the cigar, which is called the ring gauge, is equally important. Ring gauge is calculated in 64th inches "�" so a ring gauge of 32 would mean that the cigar is a half inch (32/64) wide.

When looking at a cigar, you will see a designation such as 7x48, which means that the cigar is seven inches long and has a ring gauge of 48 (or a width of three-quarters of an inch). While the specific sizes don"��t correspond to quality, the general rule is the larger the cigar, the longer it will last.


When considering appearance, cigars are like coffee: the darker the color, the richer and more full-bodied it will be. There are dozens of different colors of cigars, but here are the most common categories:

Color: Double claro; claro; natural; colorado; colorado maduro; maduro; oscuro.

Wrapper Shade: light green; light tan; light brown; reddish dark brown; dark brown; nearly black.

Flavor: very mild; mild, smooth; full bodied; rich, robust; aromatic and rich; strong, sweet; very strong.


Again, the wine analogy is appropriate when you are considering how much to spend: more expensive does not always mean better. The best strategy is to set your price range and then pick out cigars that conform to your budget.

If your aim is diversity, you can select cigars in several price ranges. But if your finances are tight, you can ask a tobacconist or do your own research to find cigars that can stretch your dollar further.

Smoking Time

This may be irrelevant if you are assembling a sampler for general purposes. But if you have a specific event or occasion in mind, you may want to make cigar choices based on the time of day they are likely to be smoked.

Conventional wisdom says that milder, smaller cigars are most appropriate for morning consumption, while afternoon smoking is best suited for medium size and strength cigars, and the largest and most full-bodied cigars are ideal for evening or nighttime enjoyment.

Based on these attributes, you can create a cigar sampler that"��s tailored to your budget, occasion, and friends or colleagues. But if you would rather opt for a ready-made sampler, there are some choices available.

The Dream Team Collection boasts eight groupings of five cigars each with varying brands and flavors. For a smaller group, the "��Best of Gran Habano"�� Sampler features six pairs of cigars across a wide range of aromas and tastes. And for a bachelor party, the CAO Super 24 Cigar Sampler has six quartets of cigars ranging from mild to rich, including the popular CAO The Sopranos cigars.

Whichever direction you choose to go with your sampler, you should always remember that you don"��t need to be intimidated when making your choices. The main objective is to gather together a significant variety based on the number of people who will be enjoying them without exploding your budget.

Also consider this: when you offer cigars from your sampler to your friends or family, it will likely be at a time or place where they are already in a celebratory mood. So they"��re very likely to enjoy whatever cigar they select "�" and they"��ll be grateful to you for providing it!

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