Laundry Sorters are containers that help organize your clothes for the wash. The most useful laundry sorters, in addition with Laundry Hampers take some of the drudgery out of your chores by providing a quick and easy way to divide your whites from your colors and delicates. This way, things are on auto-pilot and your mind is free to think about other things without risking a mix-up or damage to your clothes.

Laundry sorters along with Laundry Hampers are offered in various makes and models for some very specific tasks, such as those performed by industrial laundering plants. Most sorters intended for home use tend to be very much alike in form and function. It appears that there just isn't much of a public demand for ingenuity and variety in the laundry sorters available on the market. Generally speaking, the overall class of laundry sorters and Laundry Hampers seem to exhibit rather poor variation, with only basic shapes in a handful of typical sizes. This situation is unlikely to improve unless people take their style of laundering more seriously!

Alright, that's a funny (even crazy) thought but hey, why not; think about it: everything else has been made into an objet d'art - why not ye olde humble laundry sorter? Yes, just think about it, designer laundry sorters! Luxury laundry sorters! For premium upscale high laundering - haute blanchisserie!

No, really, it would be the final frontier in fashionable furniture design. After all, there are extravagant golden toilets adorned with precious gems and fine glass, so why not something to match in the form of a rich and decadent sorter! After all, don't the wealthy need some place for their dirty laundry? Oh, that's right; they do their laundering through foreign banks. ;-)

But in all seriousness, in our 21st Century of talking toilets with on-board computer chips and built-in electronic sensors, why not mesh laundry bags and laundry sorters to match? Okay, so this is not Japan, a land of wacky gadgets and gizmos galore. And the rich don't care about designer laundry sorters or upscale Laundry Hampers because they don't actually have to do any laundry themselves - indeed, many never even wear the same clothes twice (and that's a fact, Jack!). But this is a great idea for some ambitious young designer just out of art school to make his or her name. After all, who'd have ever thought that repeating Campbell Soup cans on a canvas could be considered art?

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