ADD is an attention deficet disorder people that suffer from this have trouble staying on task and completing task. I've always been a multi tasker doing more than one thing at a time and with having ADD sometimes it can be a problem I often find myself going from one thing to another without ever really finishing anything. If I try to do just one thing at a time it feels like it takes me forever to finish it because my mind is wondering and thinking about other things and therefore it makes it difficult to concerate. When I do more than one thing at a time I dont seem to have that problem I have to remeber that the two or three things Im doing all have to be finished. Since I seem to do better with doing things this way one way I have found to help me stay on focus and to make sure my taks's are  done is I make a very simple list and then check them off as they are done. I try not to make the list too complex for example if I working on something on the computer and doing laundry and making phone calls. that's what I put down say if Im working on a paper for example I will put down finish paper, do laundry and make phone calls being organized and having my list really seems to help also planning my day ahead of time sometimes I might do this the night before or in the morning when I first get up.  ADD can have it's problems and it's changelles but there can be solutions to them as well.

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