I have found a common thread in my PM posts.

I am new to ..............(name of program) I am struggling to find members. Is there any advice you could give me?

I could write volumes on this topic but have been advised that I am better off keeping my posts simple because I sound like an ad machine otherwise (LOL) so here is my 2c worth, I will try to keep it short but no guarantees as I have not had much practice at it yet.

I remember what it was like as a newbie marketer all too vividly.

I was very excited about joining my first affiliate program. Wow this was cool I could retire in just 6 months and work from home, choose my own hours, set my own income and best of all give the boss the flick. Right?

So wrong!!!!!!!!!!!

It makes no difference what you do online:

If you have the right drive and ambition you will make a go of anything, eventually.
If you put enough hours into it you can also make it work, eventually.
If you invest enough a return will come in one day.

The only short cut I have found is to link in with real team players and mentors, people who truly will take the time to chat and help you through the initial steps. It was what was lacking in the first program I joined and what I vowed never to do to my own team mates. Surprisingly enough my team mates have all found the same problem.

Getting sucked in by an industry heavy hitter, left to flounder without any support whatsoever when you do not have a clue absolutely SUCKS!!!!!

I tried building a rapport with the person I considered as my sponsor for my second project and continued the search until I found someone who actually listened and was interested in me as a person not as a statistic in their climb to the top.

It worked, I learnt the basics, built a team, a lot of friendships and therefore a steady income.

Often people include their REAL email addresses on correspondence to you. If you see something you like contact them ..... see if they respond. Set up an IM chat to test the waters, if they RAM the program down your throat and are not happy to chat about other topics and make friends my suggestion is RUN>>>>> DO NOT WALK, get away from the person as fast as you can, add them to your blocked list and search for another.

Make contact with someone who genuinely is interested in team work and team building and you as a person. Yes there are some out there. They may be hard to find but they do exist.

I have been marketing online for 6 years now. The first 6 months was very bumpy but I do now get a regular monthly income which grows all the time and that has been achieved solely by helping others and setting up a real TEAM environment. My team mates and I value each other, we know we have open access. They also step up to help others because they have seen that showing a real interest in others works. People walk away from programs everyday but they are less inclined to walk away from friends.

I have made some wonderful friends online in a lot of cases these people I have never seen face to face are far nicer and closer to me than my day to day exposure friends.

Yes the added income is great but money comes and goes just as opportunities come and go friendship is what it is really about. A group of motivated friends can acheive any goal and faster than you would ever imagine.

People ARE far more important than profit anyday. I know I can get by without a dollar in my pocket but without the support of my team mates I would be totally at sea.

So in short the only thing guaranteed to work is TEAMWORK. There is no single program guaranteed to make you rich fast and the internet is not some get rich quick goldmine. Yes you can make money online and good money at that but it takes, time, work, dedication and skill and most of all like the old Beatles song says "....I get by with a little help from my friends".






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