As I wrote in some previous posts, widgets are very useful for increasing your web visibility, for sharing your content around and consequently to drive traffic to your content, wherever it is.

I'll show you how easy is to prepare widget from your APSense blogs, get the code for your widget and to share your widget. For this example we'll use SpringWidgets Express Widget Engine:

At first we go to the SpringWidgets site and click link: Expres Widgets (Create your own personalized widget). After that we came to page with some explanations and just one empty field page where you enter your blog RSS feed. Where to get my blog RSS feed link? Go to your APSense profile - - and from right side you'll see Subscribe RSS icon. With right mouse click you'll copy URL of your RSS feed, it looks like - - and paste that URL to empty field at SpringWidgets Express Widget Creation page. After that you click Submit button and from right side you get the basic widget with Names and short description of your blog posts.

You can do some customization also, like short description, tile for widget gallery, height and widthh, branding URL, etc, but basic widget is done! In a few minutes! Example of my Blog widget is here:

With click on Options (on widget) you get a lot of options to share your widget: to various social networks, to various blog engines, pure html or JavaScript code, so you can share it almost everywhere on the web.

Also, you can put your widget into SpringWidgets Gallery. Check my SpringWidgets or my group Crazy World Of Widgets where I have momentary about 20 various widget examples.

So, if you're ready to create widget, go there and create your own (you can create also from your groups not only from blog posts), join Crazy World Of Widgets group and post there your fresh, brand new widget ;-)))

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