For many this is a simple task, for others it is a challenge.

Here is a step by step guide to help you insert the APSense widget to your self hosted Wordpress Blog. Remember, it must be self hosted, if your blog is hosted on the wordpress site you will not be able to add it.

After you have collected the APSense widget, log into your wordpress blog. From the left navigation bar find the heading "Appearance/Widgets", click it and you will be taken into the widgets area.

In the widgets are you will notice that the screen is divided into two columns. On the left are all the widgets you may use, on the right the places where you may add them.

From the left find the widget labeled text. Using your mouse, slide it over to the right. For example if you are using the default Wordpress theme called Twenty Ten 1.1 you may want to insert the APSense widget into the secondary widget area. First drag the text widget into the secondary, or whatever area you decide to use. Once you have it on the right it should open up to two fields, a smaller one for a title, and a big for the content. Insert the APSense widget into the big content field. You may add a title to the title box or you can just leave it blank. After you have finished be sure to click on the blue save button inside the text box widget area. Then click on close. That is it. You have just inserted the APSense widget into your blog.

If you want to preview and be sure you did it correctly, look at the top left of your blog, you should see your blogs name. Simple right click it and select open new tab or open new window, You will then be able to look at you blog without logging out.

I hope this helps you, if it does let me know. For more Wordpress tips, consider joining the Wordpress group here on Apsense.

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