Earn $$ with WidgetBucks!

Store in each blog post

With new advertising platform, Widgetbucks, this statement came true. Yes, you can have store in almost each (more detailed in all - which support JavaScript) blog post.

What makes Widgetbucks different?

- As a content creator and publisher you can earning more money with Widgetbucks ad network and still keep your focus on publishing.

- With Widgetbucks PPC (Pay per Click) or CPM (Cost per Mille) ad widgets you can earn about three times more than in traditional ad networks.

- Publishers and bloggers get instant $25 sign-up bonus, which gets you half way to your first check!

- With WidgetBucks' Referral program, affiliates can earn a 10 percent referral fee based on the commissions earned by the people they refer for the full 12 months after the new member joins.

You can find more detailed information and signup here.

So, where's the store?
Here's an example, but after signing in you'll se various ad formats.

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