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The Best of Breed!

INVISUS is a 7 year old Managed Internet Security company. From the research I have done, I have not found any company out there that offers exactly what they have. They have partnered with the world's best security firms, to create their managed service. Including the world's largest provider of I...

Identity Theft

Identity theft occurs when someone appropriates another's personal information without their knowledge to commit theft or fraud. Identity theft is a vehicle for perpetrating other types of fraud schemes. Typically, the victim is led to believe they are divulging sensitive personal information to a l...

And Finally....

And $25,000 per spouse Identity theft insurance with American International Group, Inc.! ALSO, FREE tech support....RIGHT HERE IN THE US!!! Get all of these leading technologies now! The only answer to internet security is Invisus Direct, who brings you all of these to you! All for the LOW pri...

Identity Theft to a Moroccan Prince

Today I read in a ne ws (CNN) about a Moroccan prince identity being stolen at Facebook. Facebook, like, is a social networking site that allows friends to connect with one another, upload photos and share links. It boasts more than 60 million active users. Let me enlighten you w...

Thank you All!

I want to thank you all that have visited my website and are excited about Invisus' cause! I can't wait to help you all that have either joined or are thinking about joining our team of ISA's with Invisus Direct! I look forward to growing with you! And then for you that have chose to get protecte...