I want to thank you all that have visited my website and are excited about Invisus' cause! I can't wait to help you all that have either joined or are thinking about joining our team of ISA's with Invisus Direct! I look forward to growing with you! And then for you that have chose to get protected with Invisus, I promise you will be thanking me...if you are not already!. I have to also thank APSense for making this happen. I have never seen a site like this, and am telling everyone I come in contact with!
If you have not visited my site to see what I do, and what Invisus is about I encourage you to do so now! I promise you will be excited to join our cause and pass it on to everyone you know! www.nomorehackers.net

PS~ We even have TOP well known Security experts on our team of ISA's. They have been seen on court tv, date line, MSN...just for starters. If they know Invisus is this GREAT then you should too!

Jennifer Sasser