Subject: [PLR Course] Unique products using PLR content


One of the quickest and easiest ways to use PLR content in any business

is to repackage it.  Take the original content and add to it or combine it with

something else.

Doing this will create something that is totally unique to you. Although

others may have access to the same content, they won’t put it together the

same way you will.

For example, say you have the rights to an ebook but want to make it

different then what others will be selling. Start by writing a short

introductory letter that lets people know what great information they will be

getting in the ebook.

Then insert additional articles throughout the ebook as “extra content”.

This is easily done by simply putting the articles at the end of the chapter

inside a separate box. If done properly it looks like an aside with more

information on the topic they were reading about.

PLR Private Label Club (

sales.html) is great for this because they have so many different types of

content. Articles, ebook, audios, reports – everything you need. Take all of

this content and look for new ways that you can combine it to create

something that is all yours.

Although it is no easy job to go through their thousands of pieces of PLR

content. You’ll be amazed at how many products you can come up with.

And by sticking to specific themes you can easily put together several

complete product lines.

Watch for the last message in this series where I’ll tell you more about

different types of products you can create using PLR content.

Until Then,
Alaska Padaco
P.S. I also  encourage you to visit  and  join now.

It is quite simply the largest (and best quality) collection of PLR content I’ve

ever seen. And it costs you absolutely nothing so you have nothing to lose!

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