There are many techniques that can be used to generate traffic to your site or blog. However, there are so many marketers over engineering traffic generation; it's making people very overwhelmed, making them feel like getting traffic is either impossible or too technical. Well I'm here to bust that out of the water and let you know three easy ways to get your site some traffic.

Join Blogger

Using blogger is a great way to get quality search traffic to your site. You have to write enough content to start seeing the organic traffic coming in. I would say that you might want to write 100 blog posts straight so you can start gaining the attention of Google. You should know that Google owns the platform so you will get plenty of attention from Google when writing your blog posts.

The more content you add to your blog, the more natural traffic you are going to attract to the blog. Simple as that.

Article Marketing

Speaking of writing articles, you can get plenty of natural traffic by creating articles as well. You will want to join article directories like Ezine Articles, Go Articles, etc. You can perform a search on Google to find directories. Most article directories have high page ranks and your articles can rank pretty high in the search engines if you do the proper keyword research.

Social Networking

Good social networking can go a long way for you. Using social networking to get traffic has become a little more restricted thanks to marketers thirstiness on platforms like Facebook. You can use Apsense Myspace and other less popular platforms that give you a little more leverage to reach a lot of people without having to deal with the restrictions. 

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