How to Make Your Clients Buy From You.

Hello fellow Entrepreneurs, how has been business today?
Hope it went as planned.
Today, i want to give you an hint on what has been working for me in my business.

I am Olufolake Abosede Stephen Adams, the CEO/Founder of Jesus Ventures Limited International based at Ibadan Nigeria.
It was founded in April 7 2012 with the sole aim of helping businesses make maximum profits in their businesses and making their TOTAL MAN a success and i thank God for results so far.
Also i am an author and a writer of several business, marketing, inspirational and motivational digital products that are 3-5 in the international market and i decided to come here to help you.
Also i own an online store known as Yeshua Online Store based at Tripleclicks.
I am also a Team Leader in the best affiliate Program in the world known as SFI and lastly a pastor.

while researching about the challenges that business owners may be facing i came out with the following:
1. inability to get buying clients.
2. inability to sell.
3. inability to know how to effectively market products and services.
4. How to get clients to purchase products and services even on the social media
5. How to effectively communicate with clients.
6. How to raise capital to execute business projects.

The truth? i have been through this myself and i have been able to market my products and services over and over again,overcoming these aforementioned challenges and i have come to help.
how was i able to do it?
It was simple. i got information from the best in the industry in line to what i was looking for.
Secondly, i researched on what i needed to know to expand my business and bought materials that could help me as well. went for webinars and laid my hands on powerful resources that expanded my business seriously.
For instance, while i was researching on how i could make my marketing campaigns more effective, an idea came to me with the word, CONCEPTS.

I believe you might have heard that word before.The question was 'what is concept?'
i realized that a concept is a DESIGN BY WHICH AN IDEA WORKS. If it is not a design or has a design i.e. a mapped out plan, then it is NOT A CONCEPT.
So i began to ask, 'could marketing has concepts by which it operates?' and i got an answer yes.
so as i began to research the more, i realized that there was more to what i found out on the net.
My experience has a marketer for 17 years began to pay off as i discovered 14 fundamentals power nuggets that make marketing more lucrative and 12 marketing concepts and voila, my business took a huge leap bound and sales began to come till date.

Now that you have known this, to make your customers buy from you, you need to do the following, believe me it works. i have been in the business industry for 17 years and as i grow the business, i know faster and better way to do business now than then, i have grown and it is my discovery that i am relating to you now. You don't need to reinvent the wheel.

1. Understand your genre or niche in business, meaning your REAL PURPOSE FOR STARTING A BUSINESS.
Because everything boils down to the problem you are sent to solve. in this lies your MISSION STATEMENT. i suppose that you have. Everything rises and falls on this.

2. Know the people whose problems EXACTLY you were meant to solve. e.g. in my business, i help entrepreneurs and marketers to make sales in their businesses and nothing more. You are to focus on one major key problem you are to solve. This will help you locate YOUR REAL AUDIENCE HERE. EVERYBODY IS NOT YOUR AUDIENCE.
It took me some time before i could understand this and when i did, it helped me fine tune by audience and i made more sales.

3.Know the real pain points of your ideal client that you have discovered in 2.

4. Now build or create a product or service that will meet the EXACT NEED of your client. This will give you focus to concentrate on what really matters. This way you create a product or service that can sell itself and once your clients see it, they will go for it immediately. why? because IT IS WHAT ADDRESSES THEIR NEEDS.
people can delay their wants, but will go for what they need. GIVE THEM WHAT THEY NEED, THEN YOU CAN TEACH THEM WHAT THEY WANT LATER.

5. To make them buy from you, you need to CONNECT TO THEIR EMOTIONS. people buy out of INFLUENCE OF THEIR EMOTIONS.
In the brain, is an hormone known as DOPAMINE. it is what jots up our excitement etc and the more your clients produce this, the more they will buy. so do you seduce them to buy? NO!!!!!!!
What to do? You need to let them see their need first, create an awareness for that need and then put your solution before them. NEVER AND I MEAN NEVER TELL A LIE TO A CLIENT TO GET THEM EXCITED.THAT WOULD BE YOUR DOWNFALL. Be honest.
Another way to connect to your client's emotions is via ASKING THE RIGHT QUESTIONS. Questions? yep.

Problems are solved via asking questions and i mean the right ones.
when problems come, people begin to think and the thoughts in their minds are QUESTIONS.
'Why is this happening to me? Is there something i did wrong? what is the solution to this problem? for how long will this continue?.'
You will realize that these are series of questions and your clients problems are in the form of questions like this, so they research via the internet with the words,'How can i?' Get the idea?
Now if you look at the questions above, some of these questions are wrong questions that the mind will and cannot provide an answer for e.g. 'why is this happening to me?' instead it can go like 'How can i get out of this?' Then the brain starts providing solutions.
is there something i did wrong? and your brain begins to bring memories back but not solutions.
Now how does this affect your clients? good question.
If you can get into the brain or mind of your client and know what they might be thinking, you can use their questions to DRAW THEM OUT and then provide your solutions to them. since they are asking those questions and your products are there to provide the solutions,what do you think will happen? SALES OF COURSE!
This is where the law of segmentation comes in.
So much too teach.
Hope i have been able to help with the present challenges you might be going through in these areas.
God bless you.

For more, kindly go here

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