Today, i am teaching us on how to get more clients for our business.

Just this week, i was ruminating over the above topic and i was able to come out with the following practical ways that has helped my business with new clients and they are;

1. Through email marketing. Here you build an email list by offering one of your best offers for free and it must be valuable enough for people to exchange their email address for with you, so make it worthwhile. You need a squeeze/ lead pages for this.

2. Generation of traffic to your website: This can come via your blog and especially via SEO Copywriting.
SEO copywriting means you look for keywords that people easily use on the search engines and tag your post on your blog to have such keywords. This way people will be directed to your website and in the end become a client.
I did this for one of my marketing digital product titled,'HOW TO SELL A PRODUCT.' and i was able to get sales for the product.
I have been using this method to generate traffic to my blog or website since.

3. Communicate and connect on the social media. There is always a right way of communicating and connecting with clients on the social media.
First brand yourself before branding your products and services. Make people know you first before selling anything to them. Build relationships and as you do, people will get to know, like and trust you and then will be happy to get your products.

This will help you more on your social media presence

4. Advertize: Avoid spamming.

5. Know your REAL IDEAL CLIENTS i.e people who really need your products and services and are already motivated to buy from you.
Don't generalize your ideal clients. I made this mistake severally. You must be specific. what do i mean?
If your products are meant for women, the question is which women? Professionals? Mompreneurs? Entrepreneurs? Fashion Designers? CEOs, Authors, Freelancers? etc. i believe you get the idea now.
Narrow your audience as much as possible. These will form your ideal clients.

6. when 5 is done. identify their location i.e. where they can be found. Some can be found on the web, on the social media and offline too.The issue is they can be everywhere. locate them.

Lastly, give your clients WHAT THEY WANT AND GIVE THEM VALUE.
Remember that money is a representation of VALUE. it has no value in itself nor is it value.
If you want more money, then create more value for your clients and they will crave for more.

Then communicate and connect with them. How?
a. Via their emotional buttons. If you do not connect to the emotions of your clients via their REAL NEEDS OR PAIN POINTS, they will never buy anything from you. People purchase via the influence of their emotions.
People buy due to what they evaluate as value to their needs.
b. Through questions. Asking right questions has been the MAJOR PATH by which you connect to the thoughts of your clients.
How is Asking the right questions of great importance to sales?
Because every problem of your clients are wrapped up in their questions within their minds or heads.
Get their questions and wrap your business around it and they will flock around you like bees

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