The online invasion of your privacy is a new concept to many people. The reality is that when you go online, your computer is connected to millions of other computers around the world, and is a window into your personal life. Many hackers are really just voyeurs who get their thrills from simply looking at what other people do or have on their computer. They like to read emails, look at pictures, and see what music you have. If they want a certain program or game that's on the PC, or if they like the photos or other things, they can have it all if you haven't locked them out.

You wouldn't think of going on a vacation and leaving the front door to your home wide open, would you? Yet that is what people do when they go online and don't take measures to lock down their computer. We shudder at the thought of someone stalking our children or peeking through our windows at night. Yet we allow people we don't know to invade our computers and watch everything we do while we are at the keyboard. Because we can't see the intruder, it's easy to not worry about it. In this new digital age, the threat to your personal and business privacy through your computer is real.


. 20% of young Internet users have received unwanted sexual solicitations.

Invisus Direct

Jennifer Sasser

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