Are you having some dental troubles? Well, your teeth are prone to wear out with time. Sometimes even after maintaining a clean hygiene, teeth tend to get affected by various deformities. It may be due to factors like the hereditary problem or low immunity. Whatever be the reason, losing your teeth can be very disturbing. It shatters your look and lowers your self-confidence.
So, what’s the solution? Cheer up! You don’t need to worry. It’s the 21st century and medical Science has advanced a lot.

Now, you don’t need to use that scary detectable grandma’s dentures. You can go for the latest dental treatments to get back your lost teeth. One such technique is a dental implant. Various dentists are widely using this treatment. You can also have your dental implant in Ahmedabad.

And as you look for the best dental implant in Ahmedabad, let’s learn about the types of dental implants:

Before that, be clear about the term ‘Dental Implant’. A dental implant is a surgical process that replaces your natural tooth root with materials (like titanium) that form a strong bond with jawbones. With time it replicates the tasks performed by your natural teeth. 

You can replace your single tooth, posteriors and anterior and even the entire portion of your teeth.

Now, coming to the types, these are:

Root implants

In this method, an artificial root is implanted in your jawbone. The root is made up of materials that are compatible with your body and bond well with the bone. One such commonly used material is titanium. The root implant method is further categorized into two sub-categories:

Single-Stage Implants

In this method, a long piece of an implant is surgically drilled and attached to your jawbone. The implant is then left for around three to eight months. During this healing period, the implant gets attached to the jawbone. After that, the crown and abutment are attached to the exposed root forming your tooth without any need of a second surgery. 

Two-Stage Dental Implants

The two-stage dental implant in similar to a single-stage with some minor differences. Let’s understand it. In this method after the placement of the implant to your jawbone, the gum tissue is stitched and closed completely. Then, after proper healing in a few months, a small surgery is made to expose the implant for attaching the abutment to it.
Though the two-stage method requires two surgeries, it safeguards the implant from any external forces over the period.

Subperiosteal implants

This kind of implant is preferred for those who don’t have sufficient jawbone to deploy the root implant. The implant offers a base for the fresh set of teeth by holding the denture over your jaw. It’s a single-stage dental implant procedure and is widely used across the globe.

These are the three main types of dental implants administered by dentists. With the advancement of Technology and Medical Science no need to worry if you have lost your teeth. Get them back with the best practices. Search for the best dental implants specialist in naranpura now without any further delays.

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