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  • Robert (Bob) Timper Professional   Marketer

    You and your goals
    As I see it you must never let anything stand between you and your goals and your dreams! They are yours for the taking...
    Dave Huntsman  Life is just what you decide. You can decide to just be go with the flow type of person or you can be the person that has goals and dreams, one that w...
    Aug 17th 09:58
    Dave Huntsman  Making things happen is nothing more than a choice. The choice to live your life as if you have not gusto or life your life with positive vibration an...
    Aug 29th 06:57
    Dave Huntsman  I have always used goals to assist me in meeting things in my life. I say to people you have no written goals? How do you plan to get to where you wan...
    Aug 31st 05:53
    View  -  Promote  -  View all 6 comments »  -  Comment »  -  Feb 10th 2011 19:39
  • Robert (Bob) Timper Professional   Marketer

    Welcome to the group!
    Thank all of you who have joined this group! Let me extend a warm welcome to all who have joined!
    Wayne Kuschert  Hello Everyone,I have found that when you are looking at a new program to you.The hardest part is finding out just who the owner or owners are.In some...
    Jan 24th 23:37
    Ray Lamirand  As I see it... doing your own recearch after listening to the news is a must do. Outright lies and disinformation runs rampant in the news media. Even...
    Feb 21st 13:25
    Frank TopehnibaNyenemki Wilson  Prison planet is the straightest shooter out there in the news media, Fox News was banned from Obama's interviews because they reported some of his (u...
    Sep 20th 09:04
    View  -  Promote  -  View all 3 comments »  -  Comment »  -  Jan 24th 2011 19:51