As I See It...

You and your goals

by Robert (Bob) Timper Marketer
Robert (Bob) Timper Professional   Marketer
As I see it you must never let anything stand between you and your goals and your dreams! They are yours for the taking...
Feb 10th 2011 19:39

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Jaafar Mahmuddin Advanced   
Life is a funny thing. Its up when everything seems right in their perspective places. Happiness, success, monetary independence, good health..and the list goes on indicating the upswing of life.

How about when life is its downswing? Everything does not seem to be it their rightful place. Everything becomes intolerable. How's that?

How then do we find an acceptable equilibrium between the upswing and the downswing of life in our daily life? How do we really move on with life in the presence of this two opposing forces?

May be other members may share with me and shed some light to prepare us to be more acceptable with life as it is.
Mar 18th 2011 10:31   
C C Howard Advanced   Small Business Owner
It is a fine fine balance jefferniagaz. I have learned to always keep hold of the positive and think duck for the negative & look to find the good in an otherwise bad situation. It does take fine tuning and much practice. Be diligent. Know the laws of Cause & Effect. Like attracts like. Stay Positive! Regardless & I know it can be challenging at times but that builds character. Keep your eyes on Your Ultimate Goal & Network with like minds. It's all about choice & we are given the gift of that power. Choose wisely & make your dreams become so. Try to eliminate what creates negative. When life is in a downswing, roll with it while maintaining a positive beat regardless. If everything "becomes intolerable", perhaps train yourself to see things differently. A new way of thinking. We are not presented with problems without a gift for us in it's hands. Success to you.
May 2nd 2011 15:04   
Jaafar Mahmuddin Advanced   
Thank you C.C. I suppose the keyword here is be relaxed in the mind and accept things as they come, up or down. The down will have to come up what's the big deal yeh? And , of course, stay focused in your daily life and do not muddle your thought with uncalled for 'distractions' since tomorrow is always certain another day. Thank you again C.C.
May 5th 2011 07:22   
Dave Huntsman Advanced   Home Business Mentor
Life is just what you decide. You can decide to just be go with the flow type of person or you can be the person that has goals and dreams, one that wants to make a difference, One that wants to mae a change in their life and wants to help others with meeting their goals and dreams. That is who I am and who I will always be.
Aug 17th 2014 09:58   
Dave Huntsman Advanced   Home Business Mentor
Making things happen is nothing more than a choice. The choice to live your life as if you have not gusto or life your life with positive vibration and outgoing personality. Remember people see you as you allow yourself to be seen. Have a positve weekend.
Aug 29th 2014 06:57   
Dave Huntsman Advanced   Home Business Mentor
I have always used goals to assist me in meeting things in my life. I say to people you have no written goals? How do you plan to get to where you want to be? It is like getting in the car and driving somewhere new, that you have never been with no road map. I am of the opinion that if you have a platform you want to work to you need to write it down and then make small steps to get to the next level in life.We were all put on this earth with a pland for you to do. Our job is to find that plan and set your motivation on GO.
Aug 31st 2014 05:53   
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