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  • Collette Johnson Professional   Collette's Naturals

    HI Luis
    Hello Luis' Welcome to apsense. One tip I would give you is too join some groups and get involved with helping others. Make sure you read the group d...
    Collette Johnson  Oh I see. Well you can not post pornography, hate, bigotry, racisim, etc nor scams. Dont spam people via their emails. You can post ads about your bus...
    Aug 28th 17:06
    Luis Gutierrez  Well I was not thinking of posting pornography online thats for sure..hahaha. But yea thats what I needed to know. That makes me more comfortable in ...
    Aug 29th 11:36
    Collette Johnson  Hi Again Luis I didnt think you would post porn LOL just an example. Let me know if you need any thing. Glad to help a fellow Apsenser!
    Sep 29th 09:28
    View  -  Promote  -  View all 6 comments »  -  Comment »  -  Aug 27th 2007 15:01
  • Gary Goodman Professional   Web Designer and Hosting

    Highest Paying Affiliate Program
    Hi, My name is Gary Lee Goodman My website business is search engine optimization and submission to 300 search engines and directories, and 700,...
    View  -  Promote  -  Comment  -  Aug 28th 2007 01:59