Why to study abroad and not in home country?
is a million dollar question. If I'm not wrong, this question is making its
place in many households these days and it is becoming a problem if the points
of views of the parents and the children do not match. So if you are also one
of the students who is struggling to answer this question genuinely to
yourself, here you may be helped after reading this. There are pros and cons of
everything. Every coin has two sides. We must be optimistic in life. It is about
the point of view and somewhere not the right and the wrong. Therefore we need
to evaluate the different points of views depending upon our objectives and
goals in life. Whether you want to stay in your home country or a foreign
country, it is absolutely fine. You need to check which strategy will
correspond with your objective. You must understand how better you will be able
to achieve your ambition. Here is a quick check to study in Ireland for Indian students, that whether they should go
to Ireland or settle in their home country.
The culture
is totally up to you that where do you want to live and which culture do you
want to adopt in life. What kind of education do you want to provide to your
children? What kind of examples do you want to set in front of your next
generations? What kind of society you are looking for to live with your family?
Everything has two sides. It is important to know about both the sides. Being
happy and admiring about the positive side of a culture is not sufficient. You
must know the negative side also and you must check the capability of yours to
deal with it. If you are not able to deliver that you must be capable of saving
yourself from the negative impact of the negative side of it. So it is
absolutely fine whether you want to get settled in the home country or the
country that you have decided to live in. You only need to have answers to be
given to yourself and not to anyone else first. If your conscience agrees, you
might definitely go for that.
The law
note that most of the social networking sites are banned in some countries. In
some other countries, people also are supposed to wear particular dresses when
they go out of their houses. These things are important to know. Before you
decide to get settled in any country, you must know about all the concerns and
aspects of the government and the law of the country. Suppose you are not aware
of all these things about a country and you may call the arrangements and get
settled over there. Afterwards you are sure to regret, therefore it is really
appreciate if you get to know every small detail about the country. If you are
planning for education in Ireland or
any other country, you must definitely go for it because you are going to
decide over there only for a particular period of time. Then you may definitely
decide whether you want to get settled over there or not.
Other Helpful Info: Points to know about student visa Ireland