Why stop at just 1? Increased profits is security multiplied!!
We all have different goals to what we want from our online experience. For
me to start I wanted to make some money, then I wanted the fabled do
nothing income. Now I am back to the just wanting to make some money
stage and have accomplished that.
New goal is to create a decent $1000 a month income. I realize it could
take a few months and am ok with that. Can just one opportunity do that
for me and what do I really need to make that happen?
Looking at the 2 common mlm ways which are one time payment programs
which are very easy and non commital, it's like buying a lottery ticket, which
is how many people treat it. It really means nothing to them.
Not me, I have learned to work a little and get a return in cash for my efforts.
But it was only ever just that, a one time deal. For a few months getting
few cashouts until my downline stalled or the program collapsed. It happens.
Next is the residual income programs where we need to pay a monthly
members fee to be apart of the opportunity. This seems the better money
game to constant monthly earnings, so why do many fail? Money and referrals.
Most just don't want to keep paying the fees either because they dont have
enough to continue or they give up real quick, usually within 3 months on average,
or because they have jumped to a new program in the hopes that one will work
better for them. Or the program fails.
There are so many reasons a program or downline can that we have to look
beyond the programs and find our personal business. For every marketer
that should be list building and self promoting. Building a large contact list
you can rely upon for sales and sign ups is so very important but many fail
at it because they simply don't know how to properly do it.
Self promotion does not need to be all about you personally, but it has to
directly point to your business. That means no affiliate links, you need
to have your own personal advertising pages which you can brand and
keep regular no matter what program your promoting that month. This is
bar none the most important as it allows you to build that contact
data base.
affiliate links suck!!
By working around your one business, mine is using PTC's, you can
reach out from there with continued offers as new programs arise that
you think are worthy to send to your contacts and growing downline.
This is where the multiple streams of income come into play. By focusing
on the main program, using your contact building skills even those that
don't sign up for that one may sign up for one of the other 'main' programs
your in.
Mix it up with one time payments as lot's of people have money to throw
away on a tire kicker. You have to have a couple residual monthly income
programs that you can stay with for longer than 6 months. It takes time to
find people who really want to work it for as long as it takes to reach the
higher levels. It is a commited action.
The main part in all of this is teaching people the same referral getting
skills as you are using and learning to find referrals so your referrals
also can find referrals.
As this is Multi Level Marketing, it is implied that by the greater number
of people joining, staying and bringing more people into the program, that
is how we make the big bucks.
because every one is different and there wants, needs, time and budget
will all be different it is hard to please every one. One old saying that relates
to this is
'You can lead a marketer to an opportunity but you cant make them
buy it."
It takes more than just showing the affiliate ads to really build a team of
like minded individuals that will work the common goal. But when you do
find them and things start rolling, WOW, the things you can accomplish.
Learn better referring techniques and no it is not just relying on the programs
ads. You need to do it yourself. Stay the course, make sure the program
your in is the one you really think you can continue paying for, for at least
6 months. Even if you are finding referrals and are earning sooner, make sure
you accept that you need to look that far into the future for action to happen.
Use multiple programs that you promote through your one central hub. Promote
your business pages and find referrals, then offer them the opportunity. DOnt
show the opportunity in hopes you get a hook.
Another bold saying is
'which would you rather have? 100 free referrals who did nothing.
or 2 referrals which upgraded and are working hard to find more
interested referrals?'
Sure getting alot of sign ups is cool and can net you some bonuses
but what else did it do? If those sign ups don't do anything you wont
get anything. People have to be active for that to happen.
This is also a good reason to promote multiple programs, different
bonuses and payouts keep money flowing into your accounts.
Choose wisely and make sure your referrals know what they are
getting into. It is activity and work, and that takes time and
extra resources