Simple PTC success plan. Set up in a day, Will take 3-6 months to see good results.
The Biggest failure with PTC and any mlm affliate program is finding referrals
and then finding paying active referrals. I group referrals into 2 groups.
The active and the lazy. the subgroups are paying and free.
The paying active referral is what you want. The paying lazy referral is next
the rest can stay away. How does this work?
All mlm and affililate programs require active members with money. that's the rule. Even those that allow free members still request you bring in paying members.
So paying active referrals are what you want.
What do you get? mostly the free lazy but some payed lazy. Why?
Most people I figure give up on them sleves and jump to a new exciting
offer without even knowing how to succedd in the first place.
Having the base knowledge on begining marketing is muchly needed. Most
people dont want to learn These are the payed lazy. They pay the upgrades
but do little to nothing and expect it to pay them out simply because they've
joined. Not working yet is it? Nope.
So a simple PTC success plan offers 2 needed things.
Money and Referrrals.
If you don't have money, you wont be able to upgrade. simple.
If you don't get rererrrals you wont advance or make any commissions from sales.
If you have money, then hurray for you and it can move much quicker but effort
is still needed as each person must promote for new referrals in there team, it's a must.
If like me you have no money, you need to start working to get paid. Use PTC's, GPT or sell your own services, make a candle and sell it. Write a poem and sell
it. DO something to make the needed money to upgrade and advertise.
Next is to promote promote promote. Using a proven and solid advertising plan
will keep you in interested people until you find the 3 referrrals you need this to
Only 3 referrals? Yes only 3 referrals each. more on that in a minute.
Using this proven promotion advertising to build your contact base, this
contact base will be called upon weekly to find new referrals into all your
1 business is all you need to upgrade at. It's $6 a month. you will make
$6 a month doing those other things. That's the money.
As your referral base grows in the PTC, GPT industry your profits will grow
and grow. As you find 3 active referrals and they do also your 'Do Nothing'
money will come in every month for you to use.
This is a simple as it get's plan that is easy to understand and is resonable
for people to do.
Click 1-2 hrs a day to make $6 a month. some members will make this quicker
some will take 1-2 months in the beginning. All depends on a few things. Referral
activity mostly.
Upgrade at $6 a month at the chosen MLM program and get the bonuses.
Promote your marketing system to find referrals and out of those find the 3
active friends who will join you at the MLM program.
As your referal base grows in the PTC, so will your profits.
As your contact base grows you will find more referrals and make sales on
affiliate products for cash to use.
As you and your 3 active friends continue to promote your MLM earnings will
increase also for you to use.
THis could take 2-3 hrs 5 days a week or 18hrs a day 7 days a week. there is no
limit but there is a minimum
Click daily, promote daily, stay in contact with your friends to help them succedd
so you stay in the 'Do Nothing money'.
Sound easy enough? I thought so.
Once your in a better profit you can then expand and join the other programs, upgrade at the PTC programs and buy advertising to continue your growth
and profits.
I am here to help you it's easy. A little bit to set up but the daily activity is
so very simple as clicking links and copy and paste.
Talking to your refs is also hard for some but is a needed thing.
I wish you well and ask you give me a try to see if it's a good fit for you.
I use this system daily and it does work, I'll show you my proofs.