Why Startups Should Hire Full Stack Developer In 2021

Posted by Aditya Goswami
Nov 2, 2021

This is the new phase of technology advancement and every new day new frameworks, programming languages, tools, features,. Introduced by the experts of the industry. If you want to take the full advantage of the new updates and advancements of technology, you need to Hire Full Stack developer, and in this article I am going to discuss why it is needed. 

Every software development process needs to be proficient in three aspects to make the development process better: the back-end, front-end and database. When you hire full stack engineer for your development process, s/he can alon handle all the aspects without need of any additional support and can work on the project with efficiency. 

And what most things you need when you are at the startup stage, you need to get proficient work with minimal resources and budgetary constraints. Right? Instead of hiring a full specialized team of developers, it is better to hire full stack developer at the initial level of the business and ensure the success of your business.

If you heard about the one man army, you consider a full stack developer as a one man army for the development process, full stack developer alone can handle the work from development to designing and managing database to scripting.

Let’s look at the responsibilities of a Full Stack Engineer.

  • Troubleshooting and bug fixing

  • Mobile and web app development

  • Coordinate with team members

  • Coding of software

  • Testing and quality assurance

It is never fair if I go ahead without mentioning that Full stack engineers have the expertise of handling big projects including technologies like JavaScript, MySQL, HTML,  PHP,  CSS, Apache, and MongoDB. Full stack developers add value in the project by taking care of design, animations, and graphics.

Now let’s go ahead,

Why Startups Should Hire Full-stack Engineer.

1. Versatility

When you hire full stack engineer, full stack engineers have outstanding skills to complete the development process with desired goals and features. Full stack engineers have the expertise in working with backend and frontend of applications and websites. Full stack developers perform the every given tasks with ease and smoothly, from CSS to databases and JavaScript to CMS. 

What's more important for a startup is, meeting the customer expectations and exactly that what full stack developers are able to do. Full stack engineers are dedicated and versatile to the development process.

2. Experience

As I said in the very beginning, this is the phase of technological advancement, where you need to update with the technologies. Full stack engineers have the experience and knowledge to work with complex and big projects, also they have been working on various technologies which make them update with latest developments trends. Being startups, if you want to present uniques and innovative business applications to the industry - Hire Full Stack Engineer.

3. Build Product from Scratch

One of the important aspects of hiring full stack engineers for startups is they will get work done from scratch without the specialized developers. With the hiring of a full stack engineer, you will get 360 solutions. Full stack developers can easily collaborate with your in-house team and develop user-friendly solutions.

4. Troubleshooting

When  you do the development process, one of the important things is to find out the solutions for the bugs and troubleshoots. Here full stack engineer can benefit the startup with their vast experience and knowledge of working with various domains. Full Stack developers can find out the issues quickly and can solve the bugs well to take the best out of applications.

5. All-in-one

When you start your business application development process, you need to develop the website as well as need to add some outstanding features into that website. Full stack engineers alone take care of all the tasks and can easily switch between the two different tasks when it needs to be done.

6. Deadlines

Meeting the project deadlines is very important for startups, so when you hire full stack engineers they don't need to collaborate or coordinate with other developers to fulfill the tasks. They can complete the development tasks on their own within given deadlines. So, Hire dedicated full stack developer if you are a startup based firm.

7. Cost-effective

Many of you might have some misconceptions about the cost of full stack developers, you might think they cost you higher than the specialized developers. But if you compare the whole development cost, you may realize that Full stack developers are cost effective. Being a startup with full stack developers, you do not require to hire front end developers and back end developers separately. Full stack developers can handle the 360 development solution by themselves, which helps startups by saving the other development cost.

Wrapping up

So, here we see how full stack web developers help startups to develop the website or their business applications from scratch. Startups demand the two main things which full stack developers are perfectly suitable for, first is to meet every requirement of the projects and second is strong performance with timed delivery. Startups can Hire Full Stack developer and can save the lots of development cost with benefits mentioned above. 

If you are interested in leveraging the benefits of full stack development for your business, you can Hire Full Stack developer and get an edge over other competitors.

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