Why should Underground pipes be strong?

Posted by Kirti Tyagi
Apr 27, 2018
There are so many different pipes and plumbing fittings getting sold in the market. It is a fact well-known that all of them are distinct in their own ways. It is better that we should put in use the pipes and fittings which are reliable as well as durable in the long run. We should know that drainage, as well as plumbing, systems are something which we do not implement regularly. In order to prevent any kind of leakage and shortage of water, it is important that we implement durable pipes.

Reasons why Underground Drainage Pipes are strong

Now, we all know that there are basically two different types of pipes on the grounds of their positioning. One is the above-ground drainage pipes and other are underground drainage pipes. Former are used in the drainage systems positioned above the ground and the latter is used in underground drainage system. Here we are going to talk of drainage systems which are under the ground.

Underground pipes and systems are comparatively stronger than other above-ground drainage pipes and fittings. Reason being that they have to bear varying pressures of water. As they are connected to the main water source, it is required that the drainage pipe and fitting should be durable. Stronger drainage pipe is long lived.

Apart from durability, the pipes should be corrosion free. Earlier on, pipes were made up of metals like copper and steel. Reason was their durability. But the only problem was that they corroded very easily. This happened because of the reactivity between metals and water. As a result, water which was carried out of it became unfit to drink or to use for other purposes. A drainage pipe which should be implemented in the underground drainage system should be durable as well as corrosion proof.

In all the drainage applications which are implemented under the ground should definitely be free from any kind of microbial. In soil, there are a wide range of microbes as well as microorganisms present. This can cause the water inside the pipes a great damage. This also happened in the metal pipes. Now, the pipes are made up of plastic and this actually saves the damage. Plastic pipes are designed and manufactured in such a way that no microbes and fungi are able to perform any kind of deteriorating action upon them.

So, it is important that the drainage or plumbing pipes which are put in use in underground drainage system are required to be strong. This enables to carry out water in tremendous amount out of them. It is imperative to use stronger drainage pipes to prevent any sort of leakage and wastage.
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