Why is Jagannath Temple Important?
We humans are surviving in Kalyug. Here corruption is deep rooted and proliferating every day. Only place that can possibly calm us by surrounding us by optimism is religious institution like temple. A holy place that makes us enters in a tranquil realm and gives us strength to effortlessly survive in blasphemous world.
Lord Jagannath’s Mandir is one of the four most auspicious holy places, or “Dham” for Hindu religion. The area, upon which the temple of Lord Jagannath is located, is said to be the conch shell of Lord Vishnu called, “shankhshetra”.
Many trivia revolves around Jagannath temple, one of them being that the holy flag that is placed at the top of temple’s highest tomb, always flutters opposite the wind’s direction. The flag is changed every day, without any miss. If a thin flag has power to oppose wind, it will most certainly divert tribulations that affect you. Despite the lack of eyelashes, legs, arms and other body parts there are a number of stories revolving around the structure of deity.

Jagannath yatra is not unheard of. But what is it’s significance? On the birth of Krishna, his father escapes from Mathura with the child and crosses the River Jamuna. He entrusts an infant Krishna to the care of the herdsman king, Nanda of Vraja. At length, Kansa heard of him and sends a messenger to bring him and his brother to Mathura. The brothers drove in their chariot victoriously to Mathura, where Krishna killed Kansa and begins to rule the region.
This episode in the life of Krishna is commemorated by the Rath Yatra. On this occasion the images of Jagannath, Balabhadra and Subhadra are removed from the temple and taken in great chariots to the garden house along the Bara Danda road, which is about a mile and a half long.
Jagannath Yatra unifies human soul with the almighty. The blasphemy gets washed away when hit by devotion. Become a part of spreading goodness.
Devotees are welcome shri jagannath temple online donation. By contributing you will help in facilitating needy children, education for the under privileged, promoting art and cultural skills among the children. All donations to Shri Jagannath temple and OACC are eligible for tax deduction under Indian Income Tax act of the Government of India. Small help from you can benefit not only you but hundreds of those in need. This donation will also work as donation for temple construction.
Lord Jagannath’s Mandir is one of the four most auspicious holy places, or “Dham” for Hindu religion. The area, upon which the temple of Lord Jagannath is located, is said to be the conch shell of Lord Vishnu called, “shankhshetra”.
Many trivia revolves around Jagannath temple, one of them being that the holy flag that is placed at the top of temple’s highest tomb, always flutters opposite the wind’s direction. The flag is changed every day, without any miss. If a thin flag has power to oppose wind, it will most certainly divert tribulations that affect you. Despite the lack of eyelashes, legs, arms and other body parts there are a number of stories revolving around the structure of deity.

Jagannath yatra is not unheard of. But what is it’s significance? On the birth of Krishna, his father escapes from Mathura with the child and crosses the River Jamuna. He entrusts an infant Krishna to the care of the herdsman king, Nanda of Vraja. At length, Kansa heard of him and sends a messenger to bring him and his brother to Mathura. The brothers drove in their chariot victoriously to Mathura, where Krishna killed Kansa and begins to rule the region.
This episode in the life of Krishna is commemorated by the Rath Yatra. On this occasion the images of Jagannath, Balabhadra and Subhadra are removed from the temple and taken in great chariots to the garden house along the Bara Danda road, which is about a mile and a half long.
Jagannath Yatra unifies human soul with the almighty. The blasphemy gets washed away when hit by devotion. Become a part of spreading goodness.
Devotees are welcome shri jagannath temple online donation. By contributing you will help in facilitating needy children, education for the under privileged, promoting art and cultural skills among the children. All donations to Shri Jagannath temple and OACC are eligible for tax deduction under Indian Income Tax act of the Government of India. Small help from you can benefit not only you but hundreds of those in need. This donation will also work as donation for temple construction.