Why do we need Multivitamins on a daily basis?

Posted by Chandan Singh
Feb 6, 2020

Vitamins are one among the major food group. It makes up a complete balanced diet. Without it, our bodies may not function properly. Though in small amounts, vitamins are necessary for various significant activities in the body. We should make sure that the food we eat is rich in vitamins.

In a study, it was observed that even after having balanced food the body is unable to get the required amount of vitamin and therefore external doses of a multivitamin are becoming important nowadays. Having a capsule of a multivitamin daily may cure this problem.

Let’s look into the major groups of the vitamin necessary for our body on a daily basis and major sources:

1. Vitamin D

Vitamin D is important for bone health. It helps in calcium absorption. Insufficient vitamin D in body causes:

  1. Lower immunity

  2. Bone and hair loss

  3. Bone and back pain

Sitting in the sunlight for 15minuted every day can trigger vitamin D formation in the body. In the U.S., the weather is cold, strong sunlight is unavailable. It becomes difficult for people to get ample Vitamin D.

 Major sources of Vitamin D are:

  1. Fatty fish and omega-3 oils

  2. Egg yolks

  3.  Fortified food items

2. Magnesium

Magnesium is a very important vitamin, needed for bone health and energy production. It must be present in our food. The various functions of magnesium is:

  1.  Helps in insomnia

  2. Relaxes nervous system and reduces anxiety

  3. Regulates muscular and nervous coordination

  4. Balances blood sugar level

  5. Helps in protein, bone and DNA synthesis

People suffer from magnesium deficiency mostly because they do not consume the right kind of food. You can increase the intake of pumpkin, artichoke, soya beans, brown rice, etc. to boost magnesium levels. Even weed has medicinal properties that help in reducing anxiety and depression. Just fill up health Canada acmpr application to get the proper license to grow it at home.

3. Calcium

According to a survey, about 40 percent of the U.S. population suffers from calcium deficiency. Calcium is necessary for strong bones and teeth. Women lose calcium from the body rapidly after 30 years of age.

Food that is rich in calcium:

  1. Milk, cheese, and yoghurt

  2. Nuts like cashews and walnut

  3. Broccoli and spinach

  4. Fishes

  5. Beans and green vegetables.

An average person needs 1000 mg of calcium every day. You can start eating these food items to boost calcium levels in the body.

4. Zinc

The quantity of zinc in the body remains low in older people and in people who take a lot of stress. Zinc keeps our immune system strong and helps in the assimilation of proteins, carbohydrates, and fats.

Foods rich in zinc:

  1. Oysters

  2. Pumpkin seeds

  3. Spinach

  4. Organ meats

  5. Grass-fed beef

  6. Sardines

  7. Wheat germ

The American diet is deficient of zinc and it cannot be stored in the body. It is necessary to have multivitamins for proper functioning. 8-10 mg of zinc multivitamin tablet is sufficient to maintain body balance.

Vitamins are necessary for our body to function efficiently. It helps in the assimilation of protein, carbohydrates, and fats. It is necessary to have multivitamins since most of our diet does not contain vitamins in the proper amount.

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