
Why Am I Still Single? The Real Reason According to a Dating Coach

by APSense News Release Admin
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Tired of bad dates? Ever thought you were with the right person, but you ended up still single?

Over the years, dating coach Evan Marc Katz listened and learned from men and women who were left hurt and jaded. Years of bad dates skewed the way they perceived people and relationships. But by helping singles understand the other person – what they think, how they act, and what they want, Evan empowers them to make healthy, informed choices in love and relationships.

The Two Problems in Dating

According to Evan, the two big problems in dating are:

  1. You don't like the people who want you.
  2. The people you like don't want you in return.


If you take a look at the two problems, which can a person change? Most people take the pointless road of trying to change the second problem. They try to make the other person like them because they feel that they're exactly what they're looking for.


But for someone without superpowers, it's impossible to change a person's thinking. What you can change is yourself. You can make someone "like" you by being a more desirable catch. A man or woman who is confident earns money, and has more experience will definitely have a great dating life. By doing so, you're not changing the other person. You're only CHANGING yourself.


Most folks who complain about their single life would rather sit on the sidelines and compare that the people they like don't want them. Complaining because you aren't able to meet someone great is only a waste of time. The easiest way to remedy your ailing "love life" is to want the people who want you.


Recalibrate Your Options

Most conversations about opening up to more potential prospects for a relationship are often taken negatively as "settling." And nothing pisses singles more than the implication that they're somewhat responsible for the state they're in.


It's quite common. For instance, guys who are 6's in looks and 9's in intelligence can't help but go after women who is 9's in looks but 5's in emotional compatibility? You have to start giving up your "image" for a date, face real life, and make the choice of finding someone else who's compatible with you.


If you're single for years, never had a lasting relationship, and can't find anybody who's "good enough," chances are, you're also doing the exact same thing. This is your wake-up call. Because if you've been handling dates this way for five or fifteen years, there's definitely something you're doing wrong.


What "exactly" are you doing wrong?

Let's say a 50-year old man is only attracted to 9's and 10's who are in their 20's, but none of them are interested in him in return. Then, it only makes sense that the man shifts his dating options. Women who are 6's and 7's are interested in him, but he doesn't find them attractive.


The man may be overestimating himself. If he only gets 6's and 7's to like him, then he's probably a 6 or 7 in looks himself. So if the man ever wants to settle down (get married), it'd make sense to start appreciating the 6's and 7's women, choose one that he's most attracted to, and shares the same values.


Settling Isn't Bad

Doesn't it make more sense to marry someone who's devoted even if he or she is a 7? For some, it's not because that would be settling, and they consider it something bad. This is why some amazing men and women remain single indefinitely because they don't "settle."


They'd rather exert themselves trying to get a partner who doesn't like them instead of realizing that the best relationship is the one who wants, values, and thinks they're a catch. The real culprit behind all this is unrealistic expectations: how you see yourself and what you expect from your partner.


If you're selling a biscuit for $150 and you're not getting buyers, you'll have to settle and lower the price. If you think you're entitled to a certain "kind" of a boyfriend or girlfriend, but you've never gotten one, then you need to start considering another kind.


Let Go of Your Image of a Perfect Partner

The key lies in letting go of the image you've been clinging to. Real and lasting relationships aren't about credentials, but more on chemistry and connection. There are thousands of people you can be happy with, but first, you should try not to have a fixed idea of what your partner should be like, or you'll still be single.


Erase that thought that you're "way better" than everyone who likes you. You're only eliminating the greatest source of love - the one who wants you. Soon, you'll be surprised that you can be extremely happy with someone who doesn't meet your prejudiced image of an ideal relationship.


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Created on May 13th 2021 10:41. Viewed 185 times.


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